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Valued Woodwind Player Turned Sniveling Brass Player...

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I am a originally woodwind-based, playing instruments from Bb clarinet to BBb contrabass clarinet, alto sax to bari. sax, dabbled in flute...

I've recently started high school... and was dissappointed to learn that although i was a valued concert performer... marching band was primarily brass territory ... listening to my senior mentor I'v set myself up for falliure by migrating to a marching baritone horn lmao...

I have only been playing for 2 days... I know my fingerings and have played my Bb major scale (with difficulty lol)... I have problems finding the open notes (c,g,c, etc.)...

If anyone has any tips for me, I would greatly appreciate it...


Also have 911 handy in case you run out of air. Wait... nevermind. You can't, if you could, Maynard would have been dead and buried long ago. Haha, silly me!

Have a teacher? Have somebody giving you tips? Play around with the upper to lower lip ratio, how much you put in the mouthpiece. Also, make sure your embouchure isn't too tight, as a beginner you might have no idea how to form it, and if it's too tight you really aren't gonna get much but flatulence impressions. Using more air typically helps you figure everything out. ;) Oh, and when using more air, resist the urge to puff your cheeks. It's harder to control pitch and tone when your mouth is completely bursting with air.

If the singers commit seppuku, then the whole orchestra gets together and stab the violists.

With candy canes (except the oboists, who have sharp reeds, but have had their brains so compressed by air pressure that they stab themselves). Then we eat them and all is well, especially since there are no more singers.

With candy canes (except the oboists, who have sharp reeds, but have had their brains so compressed by air pressure that they stab themselves). Then we eat them and all is well, especially since there are no more singers.

Don't make me whip out the violist jokes.

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