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I think they're already copyrighted just by being written, but I'm no expert on copyright law.

As for publishing, few companies really publish many submitted scores, and many won't even look at them.

Your best bet is a performance. Perhaps you could arrange them for a smaller ensemble?


Copyright, of course... at the very least, register it with a performing rights organization: ASCAP, BMI, SOCAN...

Otherwise, I dunno what you want to do...what are you trying to get out of this?

Why publish an un-performed work? Who's gonna buy it: unknown composer, with no history of success, or significant performances.

Get it played. Get it recorded. Self-publish and sell it yourself.


Reduce the instrumentation is out of question, remember that great (large) orchestras are to play great works, and small orchestras are to play small works, do you imagine “The Planets” or “Alpine Symphony” with less musicians ? I think Holst and R.Strauss would give you the same answer, no, out of question… besides my orchestras are not too big, just a little more than usual.

Thanks for your opinion.

Guest QcCowboy

"almost large"??

you're kidding right?

My first and probably most important piece of advice would be to learn a bit more about orchestration.

You might have very interesting musical ideas (though quite honestly, the excerpt I heard was dull as dish water... and terribly derivative. it sounded like movie music background score).

However, to carry those ideas out, you WILL need the hard work of learning orchestration, particularly if you intend on writing for "almost large" orchestra (which by the way, this is anything but ALMOST large.. it's down-right HUGE).


I Admit the recording is not very good, I have only "Kontakt Silver" and other instruments were recorded with the MIDI Synth sound, but what do you want me to do ?, that's the vest I Could, ... is a "SIMULATION" or your lack of imagination is clear ?

One of the keys for naming a "Large Orchestra" is the use of 8 Horns, and "Semi-large" was just an expression as you can see I have my own ways to name my orchestras. "Amry" "Cohorts" "Legions"...

...Besides check, the woodwinds, there's only 1 more English horn, 1 Bass Clarinet, 1 Contrabasson. Brass: only 1 trumpet, 1 trombone 1 tuba more....

Come on, you haven't see true "Large Orchestras" with 6 trombones, 8 trumpets or more, 5 Flutes, 6 clarinets etc.... maybe the 2 Timpani Sets intimidates

The orchestration is amazing and I'm glad I have a "bad-critic" already,

flint-wwrr : cackle

if people yell me on the premiere would be perfect, I hate hippocratics critics with "Oh.. Was so beautiful" ...Do you know what a critic said about "Mahler Symphony No.8", he said "If you want to have a hour and a half of torture, go to hear that symphony"....

J. Sibelius said once, "Don't hear the critics, never have been raise a sculpture for them"

Go one, tell me how bad did I use every single instrument,

Go one, tell me how bad did I use every single instrument,
Your bassoon/contrabassoon parts are practically unplayable at the tempo given. Measure after measure of notes all played by the left thumb in eighth notes at 120.

That's one example.

One of the keys for naming a "Large Orchestra" is the use of 8 Horns, and "Semi-large" was just an expression as you can see I have my own ways to name my orchestras. "Amry" "Cohorts" "Legions"...

...Besides check, the woodwinds, there's only 1 more English horn, 1 Bass Clarinet, 1 Contrabasson. Brass: only 1 trumpet, 1 trombone 1 tuba more....

Come on, you haven't see true "Large Orchestras" with 6 trombones, 8 trumpets or more, 5 Flutes, 6 clarinets etc.... maybe the 2 Timpani Sets intimidates

*ahem* On the Naming of Orchestras:

● A "'small' or 'classical' orchestra" has 2 of each woodwind, 2 or 4 horns, up to 2 trumpets, up to 3 trombones, rarely 1 tuba, Timpani, up to 2 percussionists as needed, and strings.

● A "'standard' or 'modern' orchestra" has 3 of each woodwind, 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, 1 tuba, Timpani, 2 or 3 percussionists as needed, with optional harp and piano, and strings.

● A "large orchestra" has more personnel than the 'standard/modern' orchestra.

The orchestration is amazing
Well, at least you think so. Perhaps you can also learn how compose like Mahler without using any counterpoint at all. :whistling:

I'm sorry, you're just coming off as an arrogant little toerag. In your haste to reinvent the wheel, I don't think you've check to see if it will actually roll down the street.

You're always free to ignore criticism. I would suggest you don't, however, lest you spend a great deal of time on something that will never see the light of day.

Though, truly, it is your own time to waste. If that pleases you, enjoy.


...how many "almost large" orchestras do you know of? How many would play a piece by an unknown composer? Not too many.

I would try and get it performed, but don't' expect it will happen. It would be a good idea to write for some smaller ensembles, learn more concerning orchestration, and get some performances! That's how you improve and "make it"

Also, large orchestration does not make a piece great. Some of the best music ever written has been for no more than 8 people! What about Bach, Chopin, Debussy, Schoenberg, Reich! I could go on forever, but you get the point.

Open your mind a bit...

Good Luck

Guest QcCowboy

The orchestration is amazing


I'm sorry, it really doesn't look "amazing" to me. I sort of hate to burst your bubble. You have a few very interesting musical ideas, but they are not put together to their best advantage. And the orchestration is grossly 2-dimensional.

I think you would do well to accept comments from some of the people here who are professional composers. It's always best to learn from errors instead of trying to justify them.

Go one, tell me how bad did I use every single instrument,

Why are your viola parts in treble clef? Why, at measure 39, are you switching from treble clef to treble clef? Most of your viola writing just doesn't make sense. Violin parts at 39 should not be 8va.

I'd bet your alto flute lines are going to be drowned out pretty often.

I don't know much about brass, but your horn parts look pretty high. You need two separate staves for horns, generally.

These are just some basic things; I'm sure QcC or flint could point out more. Please, please study some orchestration! (counterpoint would help too - just sayin')


I think it sounds all right, but like the others said it could use improvement. I think the others are just trying to help you push yourself to become a better composer. I know my gut reaction to hearing criticism is to become defensive, but remember you posted for a reason. Look through the things others have mentioned. Rework things, and it may yield some truly interesting results.


Here some answers:

Qmwne235: your horn parts look pretty high.

Yes the horns are very high, that’s the point, and it is playable.

penguinsbyc: ...how many "almost large" orchestras do you know of?

Don’t make an scandal for a simple “Large” “Almost Large” word, the score doesn’t even mention that, is not important.

I Agree very much players does not warranty the greatness of the work, I use the instruments I need to express what I want.

The other work does not employ so many players, and I will certainly see that an orchestra play that one before the Op.20

If someone of you have intensions of giving me good advises to help me, I appreciate, but I feel not

robinjessome: You delete links when you get unfavorable replies.


I Said "Amazing" because that's just the way I like to orchestrate.

What is the purpose of this web site ?

I have already seen really bad works here

QcCowboy: are professional composers
robinjessome: critiques from serious professionals

but at least I do not go to post my insult to that young fellow, his learning.

It is very easy to find mistakes in other peoples works, why don’t you check your own scores. We are in YoungComposers.com check your browser, maybe you thing you are in WellKnownGeniousComposers.com

Guest QcCowboy
I have already seen really bad works here
QcCowboy: are professional composers
robinjessome: critiques from serious professionals

I'm sorry, are you saying that you have seen "bad works" by... me?

I don't mind if that's really your opinion, but at least, have the courage to put your comments in the appropriate thread.

Now, as far as insults, I haven't insulted you at all. please read carefully what I wrote. I even mentioned that you had some good musical ideas. That, to me, does not sound like an "insult".

On the other hand, your under-handed comment about "bad works" IS an insult. I suggest that you retract that comment now, regardless of whom it was aimed at. This forum does not tolerate that sort of thing.


I am not going to say who of course,

and what "others" have been doing that saying my work is Bad ?....In case I offend someone, I' so sorry. but I did see that.


:huh: What?

What is the purpose of this web site ?

I have already seen really bad works here


but at least I do not go to post my insult to that young fellow, his learning.

It is very easy to find mistakes in other peoples works, why don’t you check your own scores. We are in YoungComposers.com check your browser, maybe you thing you are in WellKnownGeniousComposers.com

Some very talented and helpful composers took the time to listen to your piece, and to offer comments and suggestions. There were no insults - just blunt and honest evaluations of your piece. I'll say it again, this isn't the place to come if you want people to fawn all over your music; I assume you came here specifically to have people "find mistakes" in your work....was I wrong?

Kindly check the ego at the door, take the critiques to heart, chalk it up to experience and write some more music.


I have no doubt that there must be quite good composers here, I was trying to say that I don't go quickly to say...."Hey, that note is wrong, that passage is bad"

Is just i haven't received an honest critic about some specific fact, just things like: is not called "Almost Large" is Called "Large" and "Why is not in treble clef instead an Alto Clef" ....wel I forgot to change the clef in the sibelius...sorry...

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