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Listen to my New Composition

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Well. I would comment but looking at you recent Youtube activity, I got pretty turned-off. Sorry but when I see someone shamelessly spam their work with little to no actual contributive value, I don't feel very inclined to comment. And it wasn't very good either.

Also, this is in no way classical whatsoever. So, as advice for your future spamming, don't go with Mozart videos.

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Yes this song uses classical instruments but...I think its a simple theme that I build using repetition into the other theme sections with different variations and rhythm contrast in each theme. All songs use simple chord progressions. This song has simple repetition in the melody which makes the composition easy to remember. To me melody is the most important thing in music and when I am composing I focuse on a melody. There's no rules to what chord progressions you can use. Many different types of classical musical have used all the sub dominate chords and classical has used the I - vi - IV - V before modern pop music even existed. Don't be Critising other musicians Nirvana69 over me claiming its classical. I thought as a composition its like classical but technically not. The melody is the most important part of this composition. As I said this song is a song I wrote when i started to learn to compose.

"Another common way of extending this sequence is by means of the chord of the sixth scale degree, giving the sequence I - vi - IV - V or I - vi - ii - V. Sometimes called the 50s progression, this sequence has been in use from the earliest days of classical music: after generating popular hits such as" Wikipedia


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I removed the Mozart & classical tags which were done by accident , but you have no right tell me what kind of music or what to call my music. I like to see you create a memorable melody. Pluss I would like to see you compose anything close to good as mine. Talking is easy but doing is hard.

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I removed the Mozart & classical tags which were done by accident , but you have no right tell me what a kind of music or what to call my music.I like to see you create a memorable melody and I would like to see you compose anything close to good as mine.Talking is easy but doing is hard.

I'm not sure if this addressed at me but a few things:

1) I like how you naturally assume I suck at composition. Clearly, if someone gives any kind of criticism, it means they're just jealous and your piece is excellent. It seems to be a pretty common defense "Oh yeah?! Well, why don't YOU do better!"

2) Even if I did suck, it does not make the quality of your piece any better or worse. How or what I compose is irrelevant.

3) Yes. You have every right to call this and believe it is "classical" if you want. But I also have every right to say that I don't think it is.... nor would just about anyone who is familiar with classical music say it is. And I don't mean it in the sense that it was composed today and therefore can't be "classical". I mean, it sounds nothing like the music from the classical period. You use a pretty standard pop chord progression and repeat a melody over and over with no development. Other than the fact that you used a violin and string ensemble, there is nothing approaching classical about this. I didn't mean to be insulting (though I'll concede that I probably was... not my most helpful comment). I was just being direct with you.

To end on a positive note however, nowhere did you mention until now that this was one of your first attempts at composition. By first attempt standards, this is... alright.

But yeah. Way to make a good first impression on YC.

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I didn't say you suck at composition but..your not a bad composer either(I did listen to your music after you 1st posted). But there's different types of music that express different attitudes or go along with a storyboard. Not all composition are meant to be catchy.some are more complex, have more repeating parts and some repeat themes more often. As some scores on tv or parts of scores are harmony compositions.

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I didn't say you suck at composition but..your not a bad composer either(I did listen to your music after you 1st posted). But there's different types of music that express different attitudes or go along with a storyboard. Not all composition are meant to be catchy.some are more complex, have more repeating parts and some repeat themes more often. As some scores on tv or parts of scores are harmony compositions.

:w00t: /me :laugh:s and moves on.

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