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Last night I dreamt a song that was really amazing (or at least I thought so at the time..) This morning, I can hardly remember it. I can remember what happened enough to try and emulate it, but I know that it won't be the same. This is depressing to me.

I guess its time to keep a notebook by my bedside.....

Has anything similar happened to anyone else around here?

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Yes, It has happed to me,

I suppose if you rest your mind a little it may come back by itself instead of trying and trying hard to remember,

Listen existing songs that you think are in some how similar, then go to the piano and try to find a line or a chord, then rest again, and so and so... don't push your mind to much...

and tell me if it worked to you.

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really.. it wasn't a 'line or a chord' type of song.

In my dream it was a small group of singers, 3 or 4, accompanied by a guitar. The thing started out as a fairly simple english or irish folk song, but as it progressed it got more and more bizzare until all of the singers were singing complex rhythmic lines with different syllables ( 'Tok Tok' or 'cheeecheeechee' or some similar foolishness) It sounded alot like some electroacoustic music I have heard that manipulated vocals. I can't remember what the guitar was doing by then. Also, there was no end to the song in my dream.. one of the singers apparently messed up and they all just started laughing and then went somewhere else.

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It would be worthy and useful to make some research on how to remember dreams, because is very common that you dream something and you need to remember but you can't.

I've heard that dreams happen really fast, in fractions of seconds, ... even if you had a dream like "we were here, then we went there, the I saw this and that ...bla bla bla..." you didn't spend 15 minutes dreaming that, it all happened really fast.

maybe that why we can't remember, because was fast for the brain ??? ...

is there a neurologist around here ?, maybe I'm saying nonsense :laugh:

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