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Something like Atmospheres sounds disorganised to the average person walking down the street, no matter how organised and carefully composed it was. Now take that and make a disorganised version. That is what I meant.

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Having a metronome click the whole way through would be extra nice... at least... I think so. Maybe have the unison lines in MIDI on the click track so we can line up with it. Free improv is free enough... having 10 people all with completely different beats and tempos is just madness. That is, unless you want it to sound like disorganised Ligeti. :happy:

madness is the idea :)

MOSTLY.. everyone but the soloists are going to be playing a relatively small set of defined pitches.. so for the most part the only freedom is in the rhythm and tempo..

but I do understand what you are saying. I have considered having the unison lines in there too.. and may still put them in that is a good idea

Something like Atmospheres sounds disorganised to the average person walking down the street, no matter how organised and carefully composed it was. Now take that and make a disorganised version. That is what I meant.

YouTube - John Coltrane Pharoah Sanders "Ascension" Bits

YouTube - Ornette Coleman - Free Jazz

Now, don't forget that these examples are all from over 30 years ago. Recent movements have split into more and less abstract ideas... Anything is really possible :)



It is time for a 'practice-run' to make sure that things are in order. The plan for now is for me to upload the score to a shared folder on my box.net account. You should go there, download the file (which will be a PDF) and when you are done recording, upload the .WAV file to the same folder.

Right now, there is a short score for download in the folder. This is not the MAIN project, but something just to make sure that everyone can access the file, record themselves and upload their recorded file. I am not entirely sure how the Box.net collaboration thing works, but as soon as this is posted, I will PM everyone that has posted in this thread with a link that should give you access to the folder.

The score that is in the folder is really short (60 seconds!) SO.. if you plan to take part in the larger project that I'm working on, please go get the score and send in a recording! (Percussionists use mallets if you have easy access to them.. If not then just do whatever you want :) but please send in SOMETHING)

please post any questions you have :)

and if you are interested in participating and haven't posted here yet.. either post here or PM me and I will send you the link to the score.



Nice done, cody

Two questions:

Are the pitches in C and do I have to transpose them?


can we repeat this figure?

they are in C.. so please transpose


Don't think...play.:whistling:


Should I assume I cannot perform transposition, retrograde, or inversion on the pitch group? May we repeat the group of notes more than once, or are we supposed to play just those 13 notes in 60 seconds? Can we repeat notes in the row before moving on to the next note? May we trill rapidly between notes before moving on? Or is all this constitute interpretation and is completely at the discretion of the player? :happy:

edit: HEY - its a palindrome! :w00t:


You may do anything you like as long as you are playing the pitches given in the order that they are given... so no transposing or inverting.

retrograde would be ok :)


Hey, I know you already have a bass player, but if you want a second I'd like in on this if it's not too late. I play bass clarinet too, if you want to go for something a little unorthodox. I play a couple other instruments, but nothing that I'd say I'm good enough at for improv or what-have-you.

Hey, I know you already have a bass player, but if you want a second I'd like in on this if it's not too late. I play bass clarinet too, if you want to go for something a little unorthodox. I play a couple other instruments, but nothing that I'd say I'm good enough at for improv or what-have-you.

you can play bass clarinet :)

I'll PM you soon


the Score for the real deal project is finished!

I will be uploading it very soon.. let me know what you think!

There will be another page of the score with more specific instructions.. but before I finish those, I would like some feedback about any interpretation troubles you might have from having only the score in front of you.

All notes are in C and should be transposed. All notes can be played in ANY octave.

I've not yet finished the click track.. but it is in the works.. I just need to decide on the best way to do it.


by the way.. it is titled 'ACE'


here is a link to the score for anyone that may be interested in seeing it even though you may not be performing... I'd appreciate any comments you may have.


Neat....also, I just uploaded my "TEST" run....I forgot you wanted it as a .wav and didn't take much time in setting levels and mic placement...just a VERY quick KABOOM HIT. SO, I converted the .mp3 BACK in to .wav ...whatever.

I expect my cheque in the mail...I'll give you a 10% discount for it not being super high quality. ;)


crossed out solo # is the end of the solo.

lines are more abstract - they are more 'general intensity' of tone/volume/tempo or whatever. they do not indicate pitch.


The little clop of notes, such as the first notated four notes, are just notes to choose from, not in any specific order, correct? Will the solo sections have background, or is it JUST the solo person playing?

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