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Hey buddies! I'm glad that you liked the Heaven and Hell comp. Thats not over yet. I'll load the sent pieces and you'll be able to vote (I was a bit lazy but I think nobody is interested in the winner now lol, but nevermind). But this is about someting else...

I play the French Horn since January and I really like it. I play in a band now and very enjoy this thing SO...

You have to write a piece for french horn solo as you can see from the title.

I could also say it's a competition for "Horny" composers....hahaha what a joke :blush::D

The rules:

- Dont use extreme ranges!! Only use the notes from the attached picture

- The piece cant be hard or very fast (it doesnt mean it should be very easy)

- You can use piano accompaniment if you want

- It should be max 3 minutes. At least one.

Attach: Score in PDF

Piece: Mp3

Accompaniment: Sibelius file <----why??

'CAUSE the prize is....drumroollll:


OK, ok it's not a huge prize I know but it will a good practise oppurtunity for me and you can hear how your composition is get alive!!

The ranges: You can see from the attachments

The deadline is one month so 2009, July, 11

Good luck! :thumbsup:





*contemplates making his own horn competition because he'd be more willing to play a more difficult piece - even horn duet... or trio... * :shifty:

I propose a competition competition. Yes, a competition between competitions. MWAHAHAHAA. But seriously, you've been playing horn for nearly 6 months and you're already ready to play whatever somebody throws at you? I could hardly hit any correct note with any accuracy after 6 months. :hmmm:


It seems interesting. I might join... But in the chart thing, is the shaded area the range or unshaded or the red out ones?


The range is beetwen the shaded area. And I practise John williams scores wich are difficult (not all ofcourse and not just the horn parts but in indiana johns the trumpet solo parts for example) for me so that's why I said dont make it too dificult. But I'm quite good cause I often practise. I like it.

And Enigmus. The conductor of my marching band told me that I could join only september. But I joined nearly two month ago. I not say that I'm the best horn player but I like it if I wouldn' say it hundred of times and I develop well. So if you write a piece I will practise till I can play it believe me.

Anyway are you serious with that competition between competition thing? It would be interesting :D


I have a piece for oboe solo I wrote some time ago and I arranged it for horn because the melodic line was easy and not too much virtuoso-like.

I put the music in F major, using an F horn. the range I used was the one between the two red squares, so you might be well there :)

Hope you like it.



Okay wait... so your range is written A below C (minor third) up to "high" A? What notes are you comfortable with pulling out of thin air? Can you just see a high(ish) D and play it without having to fish around for it?

Btw, great avatar. =D


I dont know what means "fish around for it" cause I'm not perfect english but these notes are in concert pitch. So in the horn I can play the high f (f above high C, the horn range is the double high C) and a D (an octave lower than the middle D) but it sounds as you can see from the picture. So it's in concert pitch.

I'm most comfortable with the middle section of that chart.

So again:

French horn: D under middle C - F above high C (the highest note is on the horn is C above "F above high C" (double high C))

Concert pitch: G under Low C - B under high C ( the highest note is F above high C)

(Sounds on the piano etc.,

that can you see from the picture)

That's too ranges are the same. That's not true of course that the double high C is the highest playable note but officially yes.

I've attached another too pictures from you can see what is my range.


Ahh, notation is good. :cool:

FYI, what I refer to as high C (and always heard other people refer to as "high C") is the note that is two octaves above "middle C", so that is to say that it is written as the notes two ledger lines above the treble stave, and the concert pitch is called F5.

What I call "double high C" is unbelievable note about 5 lines above the treble stave. These notes register on a properly tuned "Maydar". :thumbsup:

So again, thanks for the images - they clarify everything.

To "fish around" for a note means that you are trying to play a note, but you can't seem to find the right one instantly, you have to "fish around" until you locate it. It's a rather popular method horn players have for getting kicked out of orchestras. ;)

By the way, this provides an excellent opportunity for forum members to review our

wiki article on the horn. If you read the article and still find yourself with a few unanswered questions, feel free to click the Discussion tab and post any remarks you may have on the article. A section devoted to idiomatic writing is coming soon. Cheers!

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