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Isn't this completely obsolete since the invention of modern even temperament tuning, since now the only difference between each key is that it is higher or lower in frequency?

What can cause key color with even temperament since the intervals are the same?

What can cause key color with even temperament since the intervals are the same?

Nothing, you're both agreeing on the same point... I think?


@johnoeth: I knew Mozart wrote his horn concertos in several different coloured inks, but that was just to annoy his friend Leutgeb, who played them. But I've never heard of him using a paintbrush, where did you hear that?

My donkey.


I think part of why this is so important is because what used to actually be caused by the keys is now caused by the range, our ears are used to hearing songs with a certain passion in a certain key and when we play that key we subconsciously get that feeling.

I had honestly never read this and going back to many of my improvisations in different keys, many of them match these almost exactly. Our minds play such a large part in everything we do and we don't even realize it nor have control over it. I recently discovered (in a VERY interesting chamber music workshop) that talking to your hands when you have difficulty playing a part can actually help you play it. This is because one half of your brain is getting frustrated and sending negative signals to the other and when you stop and talk you send positive signals. It honestly works and I think that is a large part of these, our brain hears things and interprets them better than we could ever want, it's basically undiscovered perfect pitch.


I actually consider it rather serious sometimes, since I DO tend to relate emotions and specific colours with different scales/keys, esp. at the piano, despite ET. My improvisations based in F all tend to sound similar in mood, so will my C#, but the two will feel completely different.

No, colour of combination of pitches, not single ones alone. Unless I'm misinterpreting you.

Look James... I'm so mean to you 99% of the time because you trust your perception more than you trust human intuition. Half of the things you say just lack a real thought in the world, and just don't take in any ideas or precedent that has already existed and been mused over by people more qualified than me or you.

You do this in everything. You ignore what might be smack-dab right in front of you, and substitute whatever you want for truth. It all comes back to your opinion and how you feel. That's just retarded. My understanding of major chords didn't come from how I feel. There aren't any feelings there. Just because aspects of music are subjective doesn't mean you can throw whatever crockery out there that you want and pretend like it is okay.

Look James... I'm so mean to you 99% of the time because you trust your perception more than you trust human intuition. Half of the things you say just lack a real thought in the world, and just don't take in any ideas or precedent that has already existed and been mused over by people more qualified than me or you.

You do this in everything. You ignore what might be smack-dab right in front of you, and substitute whatever you want for truth. It all comes back to your opinion and how you feel. That's just retarded. My understanding of major chords didn't come from how I feel. There aren't any feelings there. Just because aspects of music are subjective doesn't mean you can throw whatever crockery out there that you want and pretend like it is okay.

That isn't to say somebody can't have synesthesia you summa cum laude dope.


1) It's spelled "synaesthesia"

2) Learn how to spell

3) Don't attack someone on this forum for........well I'm not sure what...........and then be too lazy to even make sure you're spelling correctly.

4) Learn how to spell

5) James.H doesn't have synaesthesia, so your point doesn't make sense and isn't anywhere close to being relevant to what anyone's talking about.

6) Synaesthesia is a lot more complicated then, "HURR HURR I HEARD E-FLAT MAJOR AND I SAW HORSES GALLOP BY HURR HURR HURR HURR." Read Messiaen or watch him talk about whatever on YouTube, or just Google it.

7) Act your age for the love of Crist

*sigh* K

This is specific to James and your point is moot.

No. It really isn't. Think about it.

You immediately questioned a statement passing it off as instruments and not pitches and then when a response comes back you seemingly place his thoughts on his in your opinion poor overall way of thinking.

You're a proper arse.

No. It really isn't. Think about it.

You immediately questioned a statement passing it off as instruments and not pitches and then when a response comes back you seemingly place his thoughts on his in your opinion poor overall way of thinking.

You're a proper arse.

If you weren't missing so many details, then I'd be a little more straight with you. It hardly isn't worthwhile either way, though. Besides, what you just typed made no sense. My way of thinking about things, especially something like this, is completely fine, thanks. It is easy to tell, straight from the years of posts and by self-definition that James isn't what he COULD be; he does not have synthesia. Use a little intuition, research, and more thought yourself next time.

If you weren't missing so many details, then I'd be a little more straight with you. It hardly isn't worthwhile either way, though. Besides, what you just typed made no sense. My way of thinking about things, especially something like this, is completely fine, thanks. It is easy to tell, straight from the years of posts and by self-definition that James isn't what he COULD be; he does not have synthesia. Use a little intuition, research, and more thought yourself next time.

You are missing my point completely. I wasn't insinuating that James DOES has Synesthesia. The point is that there can be reasons for something like that happening and that it didn't have to be treated with such daft disdain as you did treat it with.

To clarify the earlier post:

No. It really isn't. Think about it.

You immediately questioned a statement (James') passing it off as result of an instruments colours/whatever, but not pitches. When James' a response came back you asserted with a seemingly great amount of disdain that he is essentially wrong due to his - in your opinion - poor overall way of thinking.

You're a proper arse.

..Hope that makes things clearer, my English was never terribly strong.

You are missing my point completely. I wasn't insinuating that James DOES has Synesthesia. The point is that there can be reasons for something like that happening and that it didn't have to be treated with such daft disdain as you did treat it with.

Look man, it isn't that hard to get what you say. It just doesn't make sense and is moot. James is easy to treat with disdain when you see what James says and writes for years. Cool. If you don't have a real reason to say anything, besides that you don't know what is going on (which I'm no surprised at), then I wouldn't if I were you. That is mostly because I don't open my mouth when I don't know something or I don't know what is going on. It is pretty easy to do. Sum cum laude is still sum cum laude for a reason broseph.

Look man, it isn't that hard to get what you say. It just doesn't make sense and is moot. James is easy to treat with disdain when you see what James says and writes for years. Cool. If you don't have a real reason to say anything, besides that you don't know what is going on (which I'm no surprised at), then I wouldn't if I were you. That is mostly because I don't open my mouth when I don't know something or I don't know what is going on. It is pretty easy to do. Sum cum laude is still sum cum laude for a reason broseph.

I know that I have read what are merely opinions. I am not too bothered about what history you both have or if I have a full understanding of the context, you essentially referred to James as either an accidental liar, or an on purpose liar.

I know that I have read what are merely opinions. I am not too bothered about what history you both have or if I have a full understanding of the context, you essentially referred to James as either an accidental liar, or an on purpose liar.

No I didn't. I had no intention of that and I doubt anyone would go as far to say anything like that. Just bolster your inference skills and post less and you'd be more likeable. End of story.

1) It's spelled "synaesthesia"

2) Learn how to spell

3) Don't attack someone on this forum for........well I'm not sure what...........and then be too lazy to even make sure you're spelling correctly.

4) Learn how to spell

5) James.H doesn't have synaesthesia, so your point doesn't make sense and isn't anywhere close to being relevant to what anyone's talking about.

6) Synaesthesia is a lot more complicated then, "HURR HURR I HEARD E-FLAT MAJOR AND I SAW HORSES GALLOP BY HURR HURR HURR HURR." Read Messiaen or watch him talk about whatever on YouTube, or just Google it.

7) Act your age for the love of Crist


I've already explained points 5 and 6, in that you and Corbin both took the point too literally but as for the spelling, it can be spelled both ways, can it not?

No I didn't. I had no intention of that and I doubt anyone would go as far to say anything like that. Just bolster your inference skills and post less and you'd be more likeable. End of story.

The post clearly reads as such. That much is obvious, despite whatever your intent is. You basically are saying he is wrong or that the way he thinks is wrong.

I barely post in the forum anyway.

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