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Well ,you could use really ANY chord as long as it sounds good to you.

The question is hard to answer without knowing the rest of your composition.

I would choose a B minor chord ( B , D, F#), gives a nice dorian feel to the melody.

Well ,you could use really ANY chord as long as it sounds good to you.

The question is hard to answer without knowing the rest of your composition.

I would choose a B minor chord ( B , D, F#), gives a nice dorian feel to the melody.

that isn't pleasign cuz there is a g# in the melody and that's a tritone with d. people dont like the sound of tritones.

a book doesnt know how to be pleasing to the ear only humans do. i guess you should know what kind of melody it is, it's a really sweeping violin cantabile melody does that help with deciding what the cords shoudl be?

Oh, I apologize, I just thought you should have some of the foundation that you're clearly lacking.

I'm just going to quote myself:

Use your ear and not everyone else's.


What people don't like tritones? I like 'em just fine.

that isn't pleasign cuz there is a g# in the melody and that's a tritone with d. people dont like the sound of tritones.

Don't worry , I 've just tried it at the piano. It sounds lovely! :)

It would still be easier though if you could post the sheet music for the melody.

Oh, I apologize, I just thought you should have some of the foundation that you're clearly lacking.

I'm just going to quote myself:


What people don't like tritones? I like 'em just fine.

my band director always says that the tritone is the most harsh and dissonant interval. whenever we hear a tritone in music people cringe and want it to be over and resolve to a perfect 5th or perfect 4th and to major 3rd. no one thinks tritone and thinks pretty that defies music logic.

your band director is extraordinarily musically anachronistic. This is 2009, the terms "consonance" and "dissonance" barely exist anymore.

maybe but i dunno i think he's very passionate and loving of music. he cried at our last concert because we played so beautifully

my band director always says that the tritone is the most harsh and dissonant interval. whenever we hear a tritone in music people cringe and want it to be over and resolve to a perfect 5th or perfect 4th and to major 3rd. no one thinks tritone and thinks pretty that defies music logic.

Although I don't agree with what your band director said(I like the sound of tritones and besides that, it's surely not the most dissonant interval): In my suggestion (B minor chord) the tritone D -G# RESOLVES to the 5th D-A

,so what's the problem?


Why so much discussion for this silly request ....

Here some sugesstions .... but you won't find always a person to tell you how to do things like that ....


ups, sorry, I wrote "alfabeth" instead "Alphabet" :laugh:

Why so much discussion for this silly request ....

Here some sugesstions .... but you won't find always a person to tell you how to do things like that ....


ups, sorry, I wrote "alfabeth" instead "Alphabet" :laugh:

Thanks!!!!! i love this progression, so pretty!

Thanks!!!!! i love this progression, so pretty!

ok, ok, ...... apparently he likes it, and he was sent to lessons already, ... let's move on

Sometimes I think it could be a sticky thread to post small questions, this doesn't merit a thread.


Personally I feel I need to point out something that I use as a kind of motto, you can't ever be a brilliant composer if you limit yourself to rules. But neither can you be brilliant by not knowing what rules you break.

You say books doesn't know how to be pleasing to the ear, how can you know that if you haven't even read the books? It's funny since you at the same time have a conservative view that a tritone is a terrible dissonance you don't want to read books on traditional harmony that would teach you how to put chords you didn't even know existed to your songs.

When I started out with music I looked upon music theory, reading notes etc were only for hypocrites and that it destroyed the soul of music. Now I have a more evolved view of music. All I ask of anyone is to have an open mind when it comes to music.

I would like to quote Johannes Brahms: "Without craftsmanship, inspiration is a mere reed shaken in the wind."

I hope you listen to my advice and realise that you actually can learn quite a lot from books on the subject of music. I hope this melody of yours turn out great.


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