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When and why did the fortepiano change titles?

Guest John Pax

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Guest John Pax

When and why did the fortepiano become the pianoforte?

I have asked many people and no one can give me a straight answer.

Perhaps one of you many composers have stumbled across this dilemma and eventually found an answer you're willing to share.

I'm very interested to find out.

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I'm not doing your music history/theory assignment for you (if that's what this is all about). Read Fortepiano - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and Piano - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia if you want some insight. Note, the 'Piano-Forte' and the 'Piano' are pretty much the same instrument. The 'Fortepiano' was a predecessor.

You can look up all the dates, times, and names of people involved in the invention and development of the Piano.

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You're talking about the dynamic marking right?

If so, I've always known it as fp (fortepiano)

I think they are not the same, pianoforte is soft to loud where as fortepiano is loud to soft. Perhaps I'm wrong because I've never heard it being the same before. Where did you see that it was the same or changed from one to the next?

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You're talking about the dynamic marking right?

If so, I've always known it as fp (fortepiano)

I think they are not the same, pianoforte is soft to loud where as fortepiano is loud to soft. Perhaps I'm wrong because I've never heard it being the same before. Where did you see that it was the same or changed from one to the next?

no... he's talking about the INSTRUMENTS, I think.

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Guest John Pax

No Antiatonality this is not an assignment or school test question.

Yes I mean the instrument, now more or less refereed to as the Piano.

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