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website draft


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Guest Bitterduck

Might just be me, but loading the home page took way to long. If that is a problem with other people, might not want to have so much stuff on the first page.


Now it works fine...-_-.

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I like it! It's easy to find what you've made when, and navigation is even easier! I found some problems:

1) The home page shouldn't be the same as your music and links page.

2) I'd recommend (for the home page) having a 'latest piece' a short 'about me' and maybe something else. Your music page should have all your music, your bio page a long bio, and your home page a smaller bit of both section. (note i recommend this, you don't have to.

3) The bio page is blank. Not even a background. Is this because you haven't written, or is it a problem?

4) Another recommendation, have a 'search by' option for your music page, so I can search for a short or long piece, a piece for solo or orchestra, etc.

5) Make the writing bigger.

Just minor details, overall great music and great site :]

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Guest Bitterduck

I'll have my wife take a look at it later. She does this kind of junk for a living, so i'm sure she'll put some ideas into the mass we call the gray matter.

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