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Hey, I was going over intervals today, and I realized that I always have a few songs or sounds to use when thinking of intervals. They are as follows:

Unison- Obvious

Minor 2nd- Jaws

Major 2nd- First two notes of major scale

Minor third- Slower portion of Love Theme from Star Wars

Major third- Major chord

Perfect Fourth- Aura Lee

Tritone- The Simpsons

Perfect Fifth- When Jesus Wept

Minor Sixth- Love Theme from Star Wars

Major Sixth- Han and Leiah's theme from the old Star Wars

Minor Seventh- Can't Stop, by the Red Hot Chili Peppers

Major Seventh- Major seventh chord, Superman theme

Perfect Octave- Obvious, (also, My Sharona)

So what songs do you guys use, when you DO use them?


Unison- if it isn't obvious, first two notes of Happy Birthday

Minor 2nd- Jaws

Major 2nd- First two notes of major scale

Minor third- O Canada

Major third- Doh a Dear

Perfect Fourth- Beginning of Star Wars opening theme (Sol Sol Sol Do!)

Tritone- YYZ (Rush)

Perfect Fifth- Also Sprach Zarathustra

Minor Sixth- Love Story? (it goes like, G4 B3 B3 G4 G4, B3 B3 G4 G4 B3 C4 B3 A3 A3 A3 F#4 F#4)

Major Sixth- My Bonnie's Lies Over The Ocean

Minor Seventh- Star Trek (original)

Major Seventh- Superman's a good one but usually it's just "that dissonant interval a semitone lower than an octave"

Perfect Octave- If not obvious, Somewhere Over the Rainbow.

Lately, I've been using solfege to identify intervals. It helps a surprising amount.


Perfect Octave- Obvious

You'd be surprised how often I've heard people mistake an octave for a perfect fifth or some other intervals. (Especially in some intervallic constellations.)

The other day, a girl in my class confused an octave with a tritone. I actually laughed out loud, then felt like a HUGE jerk.

LOL. I would have laughed with you...and then felt like a jerk too. :whistling:

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