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John Williams versus Jacko XD


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Well, this is a the theme from Jaws. Listen carefully from 1:23 to 1:32 :


Than hear Michael Jackson's "Heal the World" from 1:09 to 1:21. Listen carefully again:


ANY SIMILARITIES???? XDXD (I suppose only by accident, but its fun...)


Jaws - 1975

Heal the World - 1992 ( recorded in 1991...)


Well lot of people accuses Williams that he stoles a lot of ideas from others (mostly by the directors order, and because of the temp tracks...). But what happens if someone "steals" ideas from him? This happens lol.

(Maybe Jacko was a Jaws movie fan...I dunno. :) )

Anyway both soundtrack is very nice!

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Daniel you can say anything, dont matters since John Williams is one of the most talented genius on composing of our time, and of course most original. :)

The fact that he uses others ideas is not a problem since lot of times the director asks for it. Say anything but he's one the most creative man in the world and I respect him 100%. John Williams is the man!

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What is really retarded is to be making accusations of "theft" in music ideas when everything that we could feasibly do in music has already been done. "Simpson's did it!" It's an episode of South Park that is so appropriate for this discussion. It's all been done... though some Modern composers would insist that this is just not the case. They are free to believe what they will, but it's a really tough argument to make that in one of the longest traditions of all human history, a composer can actually create something that's never been done before in some form or another.

This obsession with "newness" in music makes me gag, honestly. I certainly don't think we need to go around copying each other intentionally, we should at least 'try' to be unique and creative (and really, in the end we are if we put ourselves into the work we do), but the last thing we need to be doing is beating a dead horse about whether a melody has ever been written before. Just assume it has, learn how to cope with it, and write your own music. If that's a problem, there are plenty of other professions/occupations/hobbies out there for you to pick from... some that are probably a lot more lucrative than composing as well, so have at it.

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:ermm: lol somebody takes that topic too serious haha. I just showed it cause its fun and dont want to hurt Jacko...omg

I'm really sorry that some people dont have any sense of humour..how sad :laugh::D

At least Weka understands it. :thumbsup:

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Daniel you can say anything, dont matters since John Williams is one of the most talented genius on composing of our time, and of course most original. :)

The fact that he uses others ideas is not a problem since lot of times the director asks for it. Say anything but he's one the most creative man in the world and I respect him 100%. John Williams is the man!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Don't worry, Norby. *I* get your humor. :happy:

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:ermm: lol somebody takes that topic too serious haha. I just showed it cause its fun and dont want to hurt Jacko...omg

I'm really sorry that some people dont have any sense of humour..how sad :laugh::D

At least Weka understands it. :thumbsup:

And here I thought my contribution supported you, Norby.

Double. Fail. :thumbsdown:

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"but the last thing we need to be doing is beating a dead horse about whether a melody has ever been written before. Just assume it has, learn how to cope with it, and write your own music. If that's a problem, there are plenty of other professions/occupations/hobbies out there for you to pick from... some that are probably a lot more lucrative than composing as well, so have at it."

Its not supporting me, since I'm not beating a dead horse as I said Antiatonality.

And for Daniels comment: "Urrgh, where will Williams not go to steal an idea?"

Umh that was sarcasm, or funny?? Or what? My current knowledge of english tells me that man is just jealous.

And for Nirvana69: I suppose you wrote that as an Irony. No comment.

DUMB PEOPLE'S DUMB COMMENTS MAKE A THREAD FAIL! At least it shows how many negative people are here.

I really respect Williams what he could achieved, and also respect Micheal. But I hate dumb people with dumb comments.

I just wanted to show you this similarity, because I think its interesting, but you...

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Hah! All the accusations and counter-accusations of not 'getting' it.

Well I'll proudly ignore any humour and agree with Antiatonality. Well not necessarily with the "everything that can be done has been done" bit, but the "'immitation' is not a criticism" bit.

And great find, Norby!

(Notice the intended absence of the word "fail". Please immitation this!)

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Well you have to know that I dont care if someone uses others ideas in another context. Immitation also not a problem.

Lots of times when I write something I do the same thing but only unconciuos. I just later realize that, ye its a down moving scale from Glenn Miller, that's from Pirates of the Caribbean but with a variation. These are small things but interesting.

My only problem that people dont respect a person much bigger and talented than them. (Williams)

And when I try to make it clear Nirvana just laughs at me. Congratulations. I really respect him and mostly he's the reson I've started composing. He gives me faith that composing is good and makes any sense.

And yeah good find. My mother was watching the TV when Micheal dead and in the news they were playing Heal the World at the moment I walked in the room. When I heard this little motif I laughed so hard. I think its really fun.:) I almost every day listen to/ play William's themes and I recognised it immediately.

(Well now I started this thread I listen to also Heal the World almost every day hehe, good song/motif.)

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"but the last thing we need to be doing is beating a dead horse about whether a melody has ever been written before. Just assume it has, learn how to cope with it, and write your own music. If that's a problem, there are plenty of other professions/occupations/hobbies out there for you to pick from... some that are probably a lot more lucrative than composing as well, so have at it."

Its not supporting me, since I'm not beating a dead horse as I said Antiatonality.

No, other people beat the dead horse, which makes posts like this (Jacko imitating Williams) even necessary/interesting at all. I wasn't saying, "Norby, you're beating a dead horse." Dude, if you're going to be taking part in discussions that require a more firm understanding of the English language, I encourage you to take more time to learn the language itself before you completely misinterpret the context of someone's statement and respond on that basis. Otherwise, take a less offensive/aggressive tone and stop acting like the know-it-all you think you are, because from where I'm standing, you're posting really dumb comments in response to me... and then there's this:

DUMB PEOPLE'S DUMB COMMENTS MAKE A THREAD FAIL! At least it shows how many negative people are here.


People's "dumb comments" don't necessarily come about because people are actually making stupid comments. Actually, as I've just pointed out, your lack of comprehension of this language is a primary reason why I'm so annoyed with you right now. Stop accusing others of making stupid comments when you don't have a full grasp of what they are saying.

Or, keep acting like a pompous idiot. I could really care less. I just hate to watch you make an donkey out of yourself because your comprehension of English is so deficient, especially when we agree on something (or at least part of something) and you act like or indicate that we don't.

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Well I dont want to accuse anybody. And the fun is that I have the Language exam (Intermediate level), but I'm not using it all the time so sometimes I maybe misunderstand it. But that not means that I dont understand most of the things.

If you are the fond of this language please tell me what these means exactly:

"Urrgh, where will Williams not go to steal an idea?"

It isnt mean that "William often steals other works"??? If not than sorry.

"Or, keep acting like a pompous idiot. I could really care less. I just hate to watch you make an donkey out of yourself because your comprehension of English is so deficient, especially when we agree on something (or at least part of something) and you act like or indicate that we don't."

Ok. And this one are also nice, recipient and kind words I see ,and means that I'm not an idiot when I dont understand something. Well you convinced me....

"Troll thread is full of trolls."

And this one also helps me to see the things clearer. And its a 100% positive sentence.

Sorry for my lack of comprehension. I dont want to hurt anybody but I thought these post didnt was so kind. If they were than sorry again.:)

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What do you mean by saying that "everything has been done"? Compositional techniques/systems or available note choices within a certain system, namely the tonal one?

I'm saying that from the most extreme idea of writing a piece of complete silence to writing something more traditional cannot be original at all. Anyone can make the argument that a piece has been written before if they look hard enough to find something in the last 500-1000 years to say, "Hey, it's been done before."

Of course, my response to this is, "So what?"

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