johannhowitzer Posted August 1, 2006 Posted August 1, 2006 Ah. My apologies. No_3___Starlight_Waltz.MID Quote
Guest Anders Posted September 10, 2006 Posted September 10, 2006 Hehe.. I was going treasure hunting on my old computer last night and I found these. They're even earlier works than the previous composition I posted. Quote
Dunael Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 Here it goes... well I can't find my only score that I wrote when I was 11... but I wrote this when I was 17... which is now considered young for me now ! :) (sorry for those younger than that !) It a song in french. I wrote the poetry also. it is called Blanche neige... but doesn't have any link with SnowWhite story. :( NEIGE.MID Quote
E = F Flat Posted September 24, 2006 Posted September 24, 2006 I wouldn't call myself "relatively experienced" yet, but I have improved a bit since my first composition: rrdgigue.MUS Quote
M. Bulteau Posted September 24, 2006 Posted September 24, 2006 Here is my first work: My Sonata Nº 1 in D Major. Which isn't even in sonata form... :P It's terribly repetitive. I'm planning to rewrite it better. It's not that old, since I started composing one year ago... :P I was 16. But I still have improved from then on... I was never able (and haven't got the patience yet) to play the 1st movement entirely. Especially that part of the rising chords at 03:08, which I truly composed only by instinct. The 2nd movement was the first I composed. Hello "repetitiveness"!! It is a theme I want to keep and improve also, when I rewrite the sonata. The 3rd movement is also very repetitive, but I must admit, always fun to play. ^^ It's a theme I want to keep too, and I've inclusively used it in other compositions, especially the descending part at 01:46. All the movements simply alternate between major and minor modes, I think the only one that slightly modulates is the 1st one... I had no experience whatsoever in composition (And stil don't. =x Sort of self-taught, or whatever you might call it), and now I can say I compose better than that... :thumbsup: There's an extra piece there: Some months ago I made a small adaptation of part of the 3rd movement for 5 hands (yes, 5, not 6) to be performed in a play written with a friend of mine. She was with me at the piano playing it, along with a teacher we had as an actress in the play, too. ^^ The MIDI quality will ensure that the repeated notes in the 1st movement, the Alberti bass in the 2nd, and the waltzy oom-pah-pah in the 3rd make your head blow up... :whistling: Quote
Berklee Posted April 24, 2007 Posted April 24, 2007 What an awesome thread! I wish people kept this one up, (maybe a sticky?) Quote
Ravels Radical Rivalry Posted April 24, 2007 Posted April 24, 2007 I've uploaded this before... but hey, why not? I bet some on here haven't heard it. It does say "No 3", but this is actually the first part of the three-movement piano suite I wrote, and also the first piece of music I ever wrote.Starlight Waltz OMG! I love this and it is your first composition, :) :o :) . You had some incredibly elaborate and well executed ideas for your first try. I wish I had that kind of talent. Quote
nikolas Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 What an awesome thread! I wish people kept this one up, (maybe a sticky?)My first composition was an ackward situation. My theater teacher told me he wanted me to compose a short piece for a sad scene for one of our school plays... and quite frankly it really scared me. No one had ever even suggest that I compose somthing. In my classical training up to that point, my job was to learn the classics; to shut up and practice the piano. Composing was for composers, and playing the piano was left to performers. I remember writing this song on our family's old computer in the basement and keeping it all a secret from my piano teacher because I was afraid she'd get mad at me. When I gave it to my theater teacher I remember him listening to it and telling what an awesome job I did, I never forgot that, and four years later when I started college I started to compose. My first composition is entitled "Before the Rain" zSHARE - before the rain.wma Very nice, very very nice. Very nice feeling, very nice. My post has a name: "Nice" :w00t: I wish I could get ahold of my first compositions... But these happened decades ago and I doubt that I have something thus far away... I mean, I'm close to 30 now. I have a recording when I was 19 :w00t: which of course is very nice and all, but I wal 19, not 15 or 14 or something like that. Earlier I have a score from when I was 16, I think, but in pencil and paper and no way I will copy that thing to Finale just to show it to you guys :D Earlier I have many stuff, and from a tape, I could get something maybe, if it wasn't back in Greece, done with a Yamaha PSR4600... Earlier than that some piano songs... Maybe I could remember something... There used to be a full 90 minute tape, which of course got lost... You won't believe how I wish I had it back now... ah well.. I'll see what I can find... Quote
bob_the_sane Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 There used to be a full 0 minute tape I'd like to see one of those...:w00t: Quote
Celloman Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 Here's an excerpt from a symphony I was going to write, about six or seven years ago. It's incredibly formless, dull, boring, and tasteless. Enjoy. ;) Alaskan.sib Quote
Guest Anders Posted August 12, 2007 Posted August 12, 2007 OMG! I was searching for old floppy discs (I was making, and am still trying to make, boot disks) and I found these on an old disk entitled ''sony4489x32''... It's some of my earliest completed stuff. HAHAHAHA, I'm crying :ninja: It's musical tripe, obviously, but it's is so... hahahaha. The first creation must have come to frution when I learned what a ''chord progression'' was, it sounds.... that way. The second one is earlier, it's like ''OMG A KEWL OSTINATO. LEMME MAK THE WHOLE SONG OF IT!!?"11'' [EDIT: REMOVED] Quote
Ravels Radical Rivalry Posted January 25, 2008 Posted January 25, 2008 Ah, this died. Sucks to that.Ah well. This was supposed to be performed by all of my friends. :) :D Quote
tenor10 Posted January 25, 2008 Posted January 25, 2008 I've only been composing for about a year so I was 14-15 when I wrote this last year. Its an oboe concerto. This story is this: We were in Music Literature, on the Tone Poem/Concerto Unit, and our teacher Ms. Kambui asked the question, I you could write a concerto how would you write it? (what soloist, ABA ideas ect.) So I went home and wrote a concerto and its gone on from there. Quote
Ravels Radical Rivalry Posted January 25, 2008 Posted January 25, 2008 So, I am finally posting my actual first work like I said I would about a year ago. The one I posted earlier was actually my second composition. I posted it because I did not have this one in the computer that long ago. I do have to put a warning label on this because the notation is so horrible that it might blind you. There is also one transition in the middle that does not work. So, listen to this, (maybe with your eyes closed) this is the way it is supposed to sound. Forget the fact that parts of it are written in the wrong time signature and key signature. And some of the meausures there is not a thing correctly notated in them. Whatever, it still sounds like I wanted it to. I will fix some of that other stuff later. I kind of like this. I think it has some worthwhile ideas in it. If I worked on lengthening it and fixing up some areas with better notation and melody and other accompaniment then it might be really good. old.MUS old.MID Quote
Romanticist Posted January 26, 2008 Posted January 26, 2008 That was your first piece? Sounded great for a composer's first work does it have a name? Quote
A Forgotten Legend Posted January 26, 2008 Posted January 26, 2008 Hah, my first piece sucked. It was dull and very repetitive, didn't help that I had no idea on how to use the program I had. lol. But it was lost when my grandfather's computer crashed. It was a piano piece of random notes on the staff... Quote
Gavin Gorrick Posted January 26, 2008 Posted January 26, 2008 Back in late 2001, I was in 10th grade and I wrote this trumpet quartet for a concert. It's pretty awful, seeing that I knew jack about theory. I had a pretty decent sense of form though, looking back. It was the only thing that helped me get the thing up to 4 or so minutes. Since I knew nothing about theory, I'm also pretty surprised by how I handled the counterpoint and harmonic vocabulary. All I really had to go on was my ear, and a few years of playing in jazz ensembles. I knew jack about chords, but I always saw them every where on my jazz parts, so I kind of just took what I heard from the pieces I played from there and symphonic ensembles and went from there. However, I think I revised this before I graduated high school and cleaned up a lot of stuff, so this is really not the cluster-F that it was when I originally wrote it. Well, by cleaned up, I mean I just made some of the voice leading smoother and made some the chord voicings more clear. It obviously isn't worth my time to fully revise or anything, this compared to what I write now is day and night. nextime.sib nextime.mid Quote
James H. Posted January 29, 2008 Posted January 29, 2008 Alright, here's my contribution. This is not my first ever composition, but I think it qualifies. This is my first ever composition beyond solo piano... wrote in oh geez.... umm, 2002? I don't even know what program I used to write it, but it used .seq files and I thankfully have a .mid I exported. The piano part is... "umm...." ... the timpani part is more than significantly impractical, the flute parts are okay, actually, but the horn parts are .... "whew" and the strings and harp have block chords roughly the size of small islands each complete with their own independent anarchist society. It sounds like something Berlioz would have written, it's that hyper. (the Miguel Bulteau one, not Hector :P ) (Midi at bottom of post) Oh yeah, and concertino is generally a small concerto... add the -etto suffix, and it means it's even smaller. Probably makes no sense whatsoever, but I didn't care then. My first EVER composition was then obviously piano solo if you picked up on that subtle little implication. :P It was a.... well, it was... umm... kinda pretty, like VG music... big wide slow broken chords in the left hand, arpeggios, ect. and melody in the right hand.... didn't use any black keys, utter harmonic BORINGness... and no time signature or meter to speak of. Actually, it didn't have note values, either... I didn't know how to write rhythms at ALL so I just wrote notes closer together when I wanted them fast and really far apart when I wanted them slow. :happy: Op.6, Piano Concertinietto.mid Quote
Gardener Posted January 29, 2008 Posted January 29, 2008 That's what I -think- is my first composition. It's dated 1989, so I must have been five, but I didn't write it down myself. My mother did that for me. I'm not sure when I wrote the first composition that I notated entirely on my own. It's just a single voice (for an undefined instrument), but I actually find it pretty good still! Most of my other early compositions aren't so well-structured. (Of course it wasn't written on computer back then, duh. I just did that now.) Quote
MinorKeyGirl Posted April 5, 2009 Posted April 5, 2009 Well I dont know if this counts but when I was 3 I made a rubberband guitar out of different colored rubber bands on a shoe box, I then put stickers on the top of the shoe box, like notes, and that was my first "composition". On the piano I started composing fragments when I was 6 and I really started getting serious and creating full songs when I was 9 and 10. At 11 I wrote my first full band composition (even though it sucked and I scraped it later) I've written about 4 good compositions on finale so far, but I am working on 2. I have about 7 really good finished piano pieces one being a duet. I am 13 right now. Quote
Alexander Posted April 5, 2009 Posted April 5, 2009 This is one of the first compositions I did. Needless to say, I had no clue about orchestration. Most of it is unplayable. :) Space Song.mid Quote
dark_dragon Posted April 6, 2009 Posted April 6, 2009 I've always done alot of music and songwriting, but I think my first actual 'composition' was for my friends film in 2007 for the Mariachi Film Fest. I did it all on garageband. I actually one first prize for best soundtrack and I was given a Stratocaster. the youtube link if you wanna watch/listen.Honestly, I don't know why it won, listening to it now I want to shoot myself lol. Quote
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