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Now that we have successfully overhauled and revamped our uploading system, it feels like that we may be in need of new topic discussions. Besides our upload forums, I am wondering which of our current forums you guys like and dislike. We have 5 main categories aside from the uploads:

  • Discussion
  • Educational
  • Interactive
  • Technological
  • Community

I feel that our weakest category right now is Community (which is embarrassing). Our second weakest could be Educational and Interactive. I would say our strongest categories are Discussion and Technological.
However, even the two strongest categories are even questionable. Young Composers has gone through waves of generations, and unfortunately it seems that 90% our previous generation decided to take off with our site design change and network implementation. Essentially, Young Composers has started from scratch again with its community. As a result, I am facing a new set of challenges because the generation of Young Composers that I am well acquainted with is no longer with us, including some of my volunteer key staff. All of this was unexpected.
As a result, I know very little about you! I would like to take this opportunity to get to know some of our participating members, and what makes you come to this site. If I can understand you and your needs, I can help grow the forum's activity levels. Here are some basic questions I would like answered:
  1. Why do you visit Young Composers?
  2. What do you expect to gain from Young Composers? What is important to you...finding like minded friends, gaining knowledge, acquiring reviews of music?
  3. How often do you visit this site?
  4. How long are your visits? If they are short, why?
  5. Do you feel the categories above are too generic and uninspiring?
  6. What topics for discussion would you like to see on Young Composers that we currently do not offer?
  7. Do you feel discussion on Young Composers has been weak? If so, what can I do to improve this situation?

Helping me understand, will help Young Composers and its long term goals. Failure to do so, will result in this site losing traction, and I am trying to not let that happen to a community that I strongly believe in.


1.Why do you visit Young Composers?

I visit to listen to new music, learn from other musicians and their compositional styles, get music reviewed myself, and meet other people with similar interests to myself.

2.What do you expect to gain from Young Composers? What is important to you...finding like minded friends, gaining knowledge, acquiring reviews of music?

Gaining musical knowlege, listening to new music, and aquiring reviews of music are all important to my experience at YC.

3.How often do you visit this site?

I try to get on as often as I can (but lately I have not had the time to even think about composing new music or listening to others/critiquing)

4.How long are your visits? If they are short, why?

Normally I like to be on here a while to listen to music and just browse new forum topics. If they are short, they are to see if I have recieved any new comments on my music.

5.Do you feel the categories above are too generic and uninspiring?


6.What topics for discussion would you like to see on Young Composers that we currently do not offer?


7.Do you feel discussion on Young Composers has been weak? If so, what can I do to improve this situation?

I don't think you, as the admin, can do much about the discussion--perhaps advertise?!? However, I don't think that discussion has been week.


Why do you visit Young Composers?

before being Reviewer, I came for help about Musical matters, then I continued coming to Discuss, then to share my music.... Now, I come because I have to...

What do you expect to gain from Young Composers? What is important to you...finding like minded friends, gaining knowledge, acquiring reviews of music?

1 Find someone to help me to premiere my works

2 gaining knowledge

How often do you visit this site?

Everyday (twice)

How long are your visits? If they are short, why?

I stay about 3-4 hours per day

Do you feel the categories above are too generic and uninspiring?

I think could be subforums for Discussion... Theorical, Historical, etc... issues

What topics for discussion would you like to see on Young Composers that we currently do not offer?

I will open one soon...

Do you feel discussion on Young Composers has been weak? If so, what can I do to improve this situation?

I don't know, the reviewing thing keep me busy, I don't visit discussion as much as a year ago...


Why do you visit Young Composers?

To engage with a community of young composers like myself. I also like teaching younger students about composition.

What do you expect to gain from Young Composers?

Engaging conversation between community members and maybe some friends in the process. I also expect legitimate critique of my music.

What is important to you...finding like minded friends, gaining knowledge, acquiring reviews of music?

Quality reviews, like-minded friends, and teaching.

How often do you visit this site? How long are your visits? If they are short, why?

Several times a day. The visits are often very short because there isn't much going on here to check up on. Rarely I might stay on longer if the shoutbox is full.

Do you feel the categories above are too generic and uninspiring?

Yes and no. I think the tutorials needs major revamp for categories and the "Composer's Headquarters" area could use some new sub-topics. Otherwise it seems ok.

What topics for discussion would you like to see on Young Composers that we currently do not offer?

Discussions on specific composers or pieces.

Do you feel discussion on Young Composers has been weak? If so, what can I do to improve this situation?

Yes. To improve: Step 1, fix the site because you broke it; Step 2, advertise and get the people back; Step 3, get a reliable full-time staff that can control the site (especially in the code area) once you have several hundred active users to control.


Why do you visit Young Composers?

I come to YC to share and discuss all aspects of music, particularly in relation to composition. There are some extremely talented and fascinating people on this site, and I like to learn from, chat with, and bounce ideas off of them. I also like to teach, and giving reviews or conducting masterclasses is a great way to practice.

What do you expect to gain from Young Composers?

Exposure to new music and ideas, teaching experience, critiques of my own music, serious discussions, and (like Tokke says) some friends and collaborators would be nice too.

What is important to you...finding like minded friends, gaining knowledge, acquiring reviews of music?

All of the above.

How often do you visit this site? How long are your visits? If they are short, why?

I visit the site at least once a day if I'm not too busy and the length of the visits varies (lately there hasn't been so much activity).

Do you feel the categories above are too generic and uninspiring?

I think these broad categories are great, and even the sub-categories are quite good considering that you don't want to crowd up the main forum page. Tutorials/Masterclasses still needs work, though (better integration of topics and their discussions), along with the wiki (same thing).

Do you feel discussion on Young Composers has been weak? If so, what can I do to improve this situation?

Yes, but only because our core group of contributors is very small. So the question is how do we attract and maintain new members or regain old members? Frankly most old members are going to be lost causes since you (thankfully) don't send out e-mails alerting them to new features of the site. I think the key to keeping new members is making them feel like they've found a truly unique community where they can get quick and well-informed feedback (uploads are the foundation of the site), and the implementation of Reviewers was a HUGE step forward on this front. I'll keep thinking on specific ideas to improve the situation, but it feels like we're slowly moving in the right direction...

On a side note I should mention I was looking up the range for an instrument the other day (don't remember which one) and the YC wiki was the first thing to pop up in Google! I think the wiki and masterclasses are going to be VERY important. We just need to make sure we have accurate and detailed data.


* Why do you visit Young Composers?

Learning composition from others, reviewing and gaining inspiration from others' pieces, finding new music recommended by others, company.

* What do you expect to gain from Young Composers? What is important to you...finding like minded friends, gaining knowledge, acquiring reviews of music?

Essentially all of the above.

* How often do you visit this site?

At least once a day.

* How long are your visits? If they are short, why?

I guess 1-2 hours. I'm busy, I have a schedule. And I need sleep. ;)

* Do you feel the categories above are too generic and uninspiring?


* What topics for discussion would you like to see on Young Composers that we currently do not offer?

I can't think of any.

* Do you feel discussion on Young Composers has been weak? If so, what can I do to improve this situation?

Yes, sadly. I think it's due to the loss of members. Maybe you could send out some sort of mass email to members to coax the old ones back into action? Advertise?


1. Why do you visit Young Composers?

I primary visit to share my music and to listen to the music of others both for pleasure and to learn. There is an impressive number of talented composers here!

2. What do you expect to gain from Young Composers? What is important to you...finding like minded friends, gaining knowledge, acquiring reviews of music?

Music composition has always been important to me though for various reasons, it fell by the wayside. I hope to rekindle my interest though more active participate in online music communities such as this one to share and learn from others.

3. How often do you visit this site?

Almost daily.

4. How long are your visits? If they are short, why?

They generally are pretty short because I have a demanding work schedule. During breaks in the day, I try to listen and if I can, comment on new pieces that come up in the queue.

5. Do you feel the categories above are too generic and uninspiring?

I think the topics are pretty much necessary ones for a forum such as this. I think the challenge is engaging visitors more to change them from lurkers to more active participants.

6. What topics for discussion would you like to see on Young Composers that we currently do not offer?

I think a weekly spotlight of a prominent member would be nice, like a mini interview session seeing what makes him or her tick both musically and extramusically. I know, at least for me, there are some members that would be interesting to learn more about. I also think scheduled chats might be nice to encourage more interaction among members.

7. Do you feel discussion on Young Composers has been weak? If so, what can I do to improve this situation?

I'm not sure if weak is the right term. Perhaps "unfocused" is a better description for me. Perhaps there is a bit of an identity crisis as to whom this site is geared to. Is it to the serious academic-minded composer with formal training with professional aspirations? Or is it for the amateur newbie? Or shades in between? The discussion tends to be dominated by the former but I would guess that the vast majority of membership consists of the latter. Since the goals and expectations of both are quite different, it would be difficult to cater to one without turning off the other.

Guest John Pax

Why do you visit Young Composers?

To interact with a community of musicians. To listen and give feed back on pieces being written now. To occasionally receive feedback on my own pieces. To learn.

What do you expect to gain from Young Composers? What is important to you...finding like minded friends, gaining knowledge, acquiring reviews of music?

Knowledge, an understanding of music being written right now by peers and reviews.

How often do you visit this site?

Whenever I'm on a PC.

How long are your visits? If they are short, why?

Usually 2 minutes if if there is no new interesting content, if there's is something interesting I'll listen/read/review/comment.

Do you feel the categories above are too generic and uninspiring?

I just click "View new content", I don't even know what they are.

What topics for discussion would you like to see on Young Composers that we currently do not offer?

Composers, Pieces both passed and modern.

Do you feel discussion on Young Composers has been weak? If so, what can I do to improve this situation?

Weak but the only idea I have is to FIX the site. Make it work so people stay!!


Why do you visit Young Composers? What do you expect to gain from Young Composers?

I visit to see if those that I respect have posted music or discussion. I upload to have critical review of my pieces.

How often do you visit this site? How long are your visits?

At least once a day, but I usually just have it up. Back in the day, that was useful; lately not so much.

Do you feel the categories above are too generic and uninspiring? What topics for discussion would you like to see on Young Composers that we currently do not offer?

I think the topics are fine. We have places to discuss extra-musical issues in music, techniques, technology, existing music in the repertoire, and new music. The topics are broad, but meaningful.

Do you feel discussion on Young Composers has been weak? If so, what can I do to improve this situation?

I do. But I don't know if it's such an issue, even as someone who spends/spent most of his time in the discussion forums. We have a large archive of threads and a relatively educated userbase. This leads to many simple questions being already answered, while "stupid" questions are quickly beat down or turned to other topics.

The biggest thing that I see is what the advertising could be -- and I don't just mean AdWords. What are you doing to attract "superstars" to the website? Targeting professionals may be the easiest way to bring up discussion. On the other hand, pros might not be interested in the bluster of forums -- QC and Flint's complaints come to mind.

Honestly, it seems that the biggest thing is that with the new network, the focus has shifted from discussion to uploading and reviewing. Therefore, the best thing to do would be to strengthen the reviewer corps. This doesn't mean just add more; this means make the requirements for becoming a reviewer higher and make the review quality better through training and regular checks.


Very interesting responses here. I hope to get more coming! I will say this though: I do think we are undergoing a cultural shock. The stats are proof of this. One day, we will get 2500 visits, the next day, back down to 900, then the following day, 1900, etc. This fluctuation indicates to me that the network needs a little time to incubate. It wants to work, but we are coming from a long history of being a message board.

But listening to your needs and wants is the only thing I can do to assure the success of Young Composers. This community "exists" already, I can't create the community. All I can do is serve the community to address its specific needs. So please, I need more people answering this questionnaire.

What are your needs and wants as a group of classical composers?


  • Why do you visit Young Composers?
To learn, engage and hopefully someday be critiqued.
  • What do you expect to gain from Young Composers? What is important to you...finding like minded friends, gaining knowledge, acquiring reviews of music?

This is the first forum/online community I've really plunged into. I hope to become acquainted with other young composers, learn as much as I can, have resources recommended to me, and to hopefully have my music reviewed.

  • How often do you visit this site?
This is my first day, but I plan on visiting daily.
  • How long are your visits? If they are short, why?

About 2 hours so far.

  • Do you feel the categories above are too generic and uninspiring?
  • What topics for discussion would you like to see on Young Composers that we currently do not offer?

Not sure yet. Still exploring.

  • Do you feel discussion on Young Composers has been weak? If so, what can I do to improve this situation?

Certainly not. This place is buzzing with talent.


1.Why do you visit Young Composers?

This is a great place to listen to other composers and get feedback on pieces I'm working on!!!

2.What do you expect to gain from Young Composers? What is important to you...finding like minded friends, gaining knowledge, acquiring reviews of music?

Feedback and exploration of others' compositions.

3.How often do you visit this site?

About once a month, as I'm in the midst of my graduate studies. I'd like to be here more often....

4.How long are your visits? If they are short, why?

When I come here I try and spend 4-5 hours. It takes that long just to listen to the music posted....

5.Do you feel the categories above are too generic and uninspiring?


6.What topics for discussion would you like to see on Young Composers that we currently do not offer?

7.Do you feel discussion on Young Composers has been weak? If so, what can I do to improve this situation?

I'd like to see email updates and the opportunity to "share" on Facebook things I find that are worthy...


Why do you visit Young Composers? Do not use it much anymore

What do you expect to gain from Young Composers? What is important to you...finding like minded friends, gaining knowledge, acquiring reviews of music? Opening my mind to new music

How often do you visit this site? Once in a while

How long are your visits? If they are short, why? They last a few minutes, the shoutbox is permanently dead.

Do you feel the categories above are too generic and uninspiring? I think it works just well, or rather that is used to. Do not know how it is now.

What topics for discussion would you like to see on Young Composers that we currently do not offer?

Do you feel discussion on Young Composers has been weak? If so, what can I do to improve this situation? Feels like such a lively forum as just gone and shot itself in the head. But that is just my opinion.


  • Why do you visit Young Composers? I visit this site because it is the most interactive classical composition site on the web, and I feel that it has an enormous amount of talent contained within its members.
  • What do you expect to gain from Young Composers? What is important to you...finding like minded friends, gaining knowledge, acquiring reviews of music? I can only hope to grow as a composer, as I'm still fairly new to this whole world. I'm about to graduate with my bachelors in Music Education, so finding new friends in the music field is also a main concern of mine.
  • How often do you visit this site? I first found young composers in November, RIGHT before the site change. Because of this, I didn't post much and kind of let the change take its course. Now that its completed and integrated with a network, I check in on the site every single day, although I still don't post much.
  • How long are your visits? If they are short, why? Anywhere from 2 minutes, to an hour. Short visits are simply because of lack of time on my part, not because of site content.
  • Do you feel the categories above are too generic and uninspiring? I think the categories are great just the way they are.
  • What topics for discussion would you like to see on Young Composers that we currently do not offer? I would like to see a section dedicated to compositions intended for educational ensembles or purposes. Writing for middle school / high school ensembles is something that can take lots of practice. It requires an experienced composer to exercise self control in terms of the difficulty of his or her parts. It can also require fine sense of what musical ideas are being taught in the piece. As an educator in training, scheduled to be in the classroom by the Fall of 2011, this is something that I would find very useful.
  • Do you feel discussion on Young Composers has been weak? If so, what can I do to improve this situation? I think this site is great. If some of the dedicated community left because of frustration with the site change that's their fault. The site is better now, and I think that people just got frustrated because it took to long to switch over. But all good things take time.

Hope this helps you Chopin, and keep up the good work!



1. Why do you visit Young Composers?

To get opinions on my compositions, and just to have people hear my music.

2. What do you expect to gain from Young Composers? What is important to you... finding like minded friends, gaining knowledge, acquiring reviews of music?

I like talking to other composers and see how they compose, and of course seeing what they think of my work, mainly getting reviews of my music as of now.

3. How often do you visit this site?

Quite often, not every day, but several times a week.

4. How long are your visits? If they are short, why?

Usually short, I check if I have any new reviews. But I am slowly getting more involved I think, I have reviewed a couple of other people's works too.

5. Do you feel the categories above are too generic and uninspiring?

They seem pretty functional to me... I dunno what else you could have, a game room? Shuffle mode (in which a random piece will be played)? Anyway... :P

6. What topics for discussion would you like to see on Young Composers that we currently do not offer?

I am not sure... isn't there a forum where we can just talk about anything music related? Maybe I don't get what you mean, and will edit when I do...

7. Do you feel discussion on Young Composers has been weak? If so, what can I do to improve this situation?

I would like to see more reviews of pieces. :P But of course, you can't force people to, and can't make the community bigger through power of will. I don't know... I will have to look more into the discussion and interactive aspects of the site before I can answer fully.

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