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Linux Notation Editors (Note Edit, Rosegarden, MuseScore)


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I was wondering if any of you had ever tried WYSIWYG linux notation editors. The three I researched are Note Edit, Rosegarden and MuseScore. It appears that Rosegarden may be the most complex, however it also is a sequencer, more similar to Cakewalk. Note Edit and MuseScore are more specific to notation editors. Which program out of the 3 mentioned would be the most useful to a typical composer? I personally tried out MuseScore, and it seemed alright, although there is somewhat of a learning curve. Is Note Edit more powerful than MuseScore in your opinion?

The reason why I ask is because these 3 programs are linux based and open source. I want to see if it is possible to integrate into Young Composers, to allow for composing music through the web, and score sharing. I feel this would be a great addition for competitions. Would anyone use a built in notation editor on this site though, for teaching, providing examples, or even printing, sharing and collaborating with score writing?

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I use ubuntu. My pc is MS free for many years now :) So I know the programs you mention. After I tried them I discarded them very fast because they are not so mature, and not capable of what Finale can do (in WINE)

I guess when people are geeky enough to have linux, they should learn lilypond :D (which has a pretty result, and a good web intergration possibility, IMO)

When you want something visible I would go for noteedit and then export to .ly. But i do not know if that will result in nice score, or that the conversion becomes messy...

In terms of online scoring software, there is a site like noteflight...

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There's nothing that approaches the robustness of Noteflight for web-based notation, and their development schedule has been quick and responsive to user input. The issue is that they're hardly going to be willing to license it out to us, and while integration with them might be negotiable and would massively augment our traffic, it would also basically invalidate YC's independence since it would become all about Noteflight.

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Well don't get me wrong, I think the others are just fine, but I've always found them fairly ugly to look at and less immediately intuitive and attractive. Same with Lilypond — it may have a whole lot of power, but we're talking about YOUNG composers accessing it. It's about as user-friendly as a razor blade blanket. Noteflight's advantage is accessibility and strong technical support.

For me, for example, it would seem like an awful lot of hassle for very little competitive advantage. So we integrate one of the open-source notation editors....why would anyone use it over Noteflight? If they want to use it to teach or show examples, they can link, embed, take screenshots, etc. Having an integrated system means they don't have to go elsewhere to accomplish this, but at the same time Noteflight is dedicated to just one great thing: web-based notation. It has features for in-score commenting, notes, sharing, embedding, and very safe cloud storage with redundant backups for all data which is more than I can say for NoteEdit or MuseScore (at least as of the last times I played around with them).

I think this whole idea splits our focus though: are we aiming to be a community or a workplace? Right now we're the best place on the net for detailed, constructive critiquing of compositions, or at least close to it and we'll get there shortly at this rate. I love the idea of web-based notation, but what advantage would it give YC to have it integrated rather than just be something we encourage our members to make use of if they want to and can't afford a full standalone notation package?

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