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I've seen in all my time here many people who are brilliant composers, but, when I see the instrument information, there's NOTHING.

I want to know which instruments you can play. Me, for example, know how to play the piano, the harpsichord, flute, clarinet, violin and viola. (All of them are completely the darn same thing).

Answers will be accepted.

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You'll find that a lot of the composers here are also proficient performers - J. Lee Graham, for example, is a professional singer and/or violist among his other non music-related ventures. Myself, I'm a so-so pianist, although I might have become a good one had I practised more.


Bassoon is my main instrument - frequently seconding on Contra Bassoon. I own my own Contra and my current Bassoon is a very gorgeous Moosmann Bassoon which is about two and a half years old. I play in many orchestras and, from time to time, smaller ensembles.

Clarinet and Flute - I play these enough in order to keep up with the teaching I do. I'm not a massive fan of playing them, but they are at least enjoyable.

Oboe - I have played one for about two days. It isn't mine - I'm selling it on for someone but thought I'd play it while I have it. On a serious note, it hasn't been played for about half a year - and woodwind instruments do dry out so that they aren't nice to play. If a woodwind instrument gets too dry, it starts to leak.

Piano - I have a basic skill. I had Piano lessons for about ten years and stopped having lessons about eleven years ago.

Electric Violin - I have one on which I mess about. I can vaguely play simple stuff in tune... Howeverm I can be heard on Amether's "Variations on a Theme of King Elytron", which can be downloaded here: http://www.frikateers.com/amether/mp3/amet...ng_elytron).mp3

It is an amazing piece of music. Certainly amongst the best pieces of music I've heard.

You get a prize for identifying the electric violin. :-)


I play the piano, violin, clarint, and saxophone. The only one I play good is the clarinet. :(

Man, you gotta teach me how to play clarinet!

I've alywas wanted to be able to play it >_<


I play the piano, saxophone, violin, clarinet, and voice. I could improve in all areas, though. :P

I play saxophone pretty much by ear as well as the clarinet. I really have not been putting much effort into playing the violin, though. I should. :(



It's really easy. My sister never even took lessons but she can play some things. The only bad thing is is when you get new corks the clarinet (at least mine does) doesn't play as good. You have to play harder and when you put it together it has to be in a certain spot or the first three notes with the teardrop key won't work very good. And then another thing is that sometimes even though I put A LOT of cork grease on it gets stuck together and i'm always afraid it will break. But that might be because I have a really old and wooden clarinet. I don't know.

All you have to do is move your fingers up from the 4 key which is C from the bottom to get most of the B flat scale. You really should try it. It's easy to play by ear on the clarinet. I bet you guys would think it's easy the way you're talented! :(


Guest BitterDuck

My main instrument is the guitar. I play mostly classical guitar but I also do jazz guitar. I can play in the other styles but meh. I play banjo, and bass guitar but not at a high level. I play some harmonical, and I do play the piano fairly well. My orchestra instrument is the flute. I play it well enough to be a back for the back up :P


A back for the backup!

nice. =p

more than i can say though so you're doing pretty good.

I also play Classical guitar, but I rarely stray from the classical style unless i am with friends doing Contemporary christian music.[strumming stuff]

I am "Good" at piano considering I have only been playing 8 months,

I'm honestly not trying to brag or anything, people tend to think I have been playing for years rather than months. But I practice 6 hours a day, both on piano and guitar. [mostly because I have TOO MUCH time on my hands.]

That was actually funny

It's true.

Like my little brother, I play the piano, the flute, the violin, the viola, the harpsichord and the clarinet. All of them really well. Anybody here can assure that he/she plays like Paganini?


I play the piano, mostly improvisationally. My fingers don't like restrictions :). I also sing tenor, with a range from low Ab to high C (on good days - on bad days my range is only to a Bb). In school, I played clarinet and bass clarinet. Recreationally, I play pennywhistle and didgeridoo pretty well, and have doodled with accordion, bagpipes, and a variety of world instruments.

Guest JohnGalt

Bassoon, piano, saxophone, percussion (pitched and otherwise), electric bass, violin, and I'll soon be picking everything else up. Music Education major, whee!


Many Many... great composers are not instrumentalists (dosent play ) , the important thing for composer is to know how to write for instruments...


Primary instruments:

Voice: (Baritone) Many styles, Classical, Jazz, Folk, Rock, Pop. Professional experience in all of the above genres.

Classically trained guitarist: Don't play much anymore so it would take me about 4-5 months at 2-3 hours/day to get my chops and repertiore up to snuff (I know becuase I did it about 4 years ago). Excellent folk skills- Mediocre electric skills. - Can play bass at knife-point.

Piano: Horrible reader - very strong improvisational, jazz, and pop skills - read changes well. Good synth skills with reasonalble programming abilities.

Other instruments

Recorder: Good skills

Viola: just beginning - but good enough to fake it in the pit orchestra at the school I teach at. (2 years experience)

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