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While reading around the forums I notice people mention the study of scores and transcribing them.

So as a newbie I wondered what is they are looking at when they are studying these scores and transcribing them?

So far Ive checked out a few scores and to be honest felt overwhelmed.

I checked out which instruments were involved which was simple enough and then tried to work out the opening chord and looked at the rhythms of the parts.

What I was wondering was what are some tips or ideas if what a newbie should be looking at on scores ?

Also if there are any simple scores you'd recommend that'd be great.

I had got a midi file and then loaded it into the demo version of finale. I did start to wonder how accurate the midi transcription was but knew none the better to question it.

On the subject of transcription, what do people do when doing this??

do they just write out the scores and make mental notes as they go along ?

or do they play the parts as they go along and write them, ?

I serached the net but didnt really find much info on writing scores out by yourself.

to those that offer help and advice thanks in advance


There are a number of different things you could look at while studying scores, depending on what you feel you need the most help on. Here are some ideas.

Instrumentation: Look at which instruments are used, and how much they are each used. See how having less or more of them affects the overall sound or feeling.

Orchestration: Many things for this one. Look at how each instrument is used - the note of the chord it gets, the range it has, when and what it's used for, what it's used with - basically try and figure out WHY the composer used a certain instrument when it did.

Chords: Try and find which chord the composer used and why. Which instruments get which note (orchestration) how the chord suits or works with/against the melody, and how it it used in the phrase - chord progressions.

I'm sure someone could give you more in depth reasons, but that's all I have for now, hope it helps!


There is a lot that goes on in score study, there are classes on this at the university level that only scratch the surface.

But to answer your question on score study in a pathetically reduced way, listen to a recording and identify the function of each section of the music. Write it on the score and start with simpler tunes like middle and junior high school tunes. Identify whether each major section is melodic with material number 1, melodic with similar material number 2, melodic with contrasting material 3, transitory/modulatory with altered material from 1 and 2, etc.

Then it would help to write down the OVERALL rhythm of the accompaniment parts as well as their chords (keys in middle school tunes should be obvious).

Of course, that is only an overview of the formal aspect of score study. And it gets more difficult and involved as the calibur of the music you listen to increases. Everything is basically melody in a Persichetti symphony!

I don't know what goes on in transcribing scores other than picking out a part and writing it down. I've never had to do it. I do transcribe solos, that helps my ear, but I don't think that's what you're talking about.

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