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I'm just gonna list any that come to my mind at this moment that i love..








Rebecca Clarke



....that's from today..just you WAIT 'til tomorrow...


Well, I have no favorite composer....

though my favorite composer of Shostakovitch music is Shostakovitch. My favorite Stravinsky music composer is Stravinsky. For Verdi's music, my favorite composer is Verdi. Beethoven is the best Beethoven music composer....and so forth :shifty:.

Guest QcCowboy

I'm particularly fond of

Leonard Bernstein

Aaron Copland

Samuel Barber (come on, who can honestly say he's not on their list?)

Howard Hanson (despite some nasty things I've read about his personal life)

Giacomo Puccini

Jan Sibelius

to name a few, only.

it's so hard to select a "few"... there are just too many incredible geniuses out there.

Guest QcCowboy
For those who know me, you'll know my response.

Yes, Vivaldi's my favorite. Can't you cut him a little slack at least once in a while?

A number of years back, I was teaching in a music camp. The camp orchestra and chorus sang a Vivaldi "Gloria".

One of the other piano teachers and myself (I was teaching composition) did a little comedy sketch called "Vivaldi in the age of Xerox"... we had a pile of paper at the piano, one of us played the opening phrase of the Vivaldi Gloria... over and over and over again, as the other one turned a single page at each repetition of the main theme.


A number of years back, I was teaching in a music camp. The camp orchestra and chorus sang a Vivaldi "Gloria".

One of the other piano teachers and myself (I was teaching composition) did a little comedy sketch called "Vivaldi in the age of Xerox"... we had a pile of paper at the piano, one of us played the opening phrase of the Vivaldi Gloria... over and over and over again, as the other one turned a single page at each repetition of the main theme.

I don't quite get what you mean there qc, mind explaining?

Guest QcCowboy
I don't quite get what you mean there qc, mind explaining?

if you know the piece in question, the opening is rather repetitive.


Oh, cut the man some slack... that gloria is beautiful... and he only repeats the opening three times at first.... while he has a very distinctive style, he was able to create great variety from a very strict format.

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