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Obviously limited by the trio format and a thin mix, but I dunno, it's just so damn perfect. There's a live version of this with Merzbow that its particularly brutal, as he's sort a solo player but doing electronics so it thickens it a bit.

Part 3 is kind of the short version of the piece, but really doesn't make sense out of context since it's the only particularly driving part of song.

I always do like the monstrous metal "piece" -- Mushuggah's I: http://listen.grooveshark.com/s/I/kmBlN?src=5 comes to mind was well...

Acutally, I'm sure there's some thurston moore stuff that'd fall into this category too...

I dunno, how arty is this stuff? I feel like there's a pretty established thing where once you add distortion and a drum kit, you're not in "serious music" realms, but this certainly isn't just base thump music either...

**Edit - The meshuggah maybe less so, on second listen, since it's a bit more traditional metal and doesn't break hard left and right as the boris track. BUt maybe it's just that there's more singing.

I don't know, it's just that it's, in boris's case, a 60-minute track with recurring themes; how different is that from a classical work of the same length?


i like drone metal. this boris piece is certainly one of mostly accessible since it's somewhat lyrical.

i like meshuggah as well, bu that's different kind of stuff.

sunn o))) comes to mind as well, but they are even more so drony. maybe KTL where they work with pita.

to me drones and metal drones are serious part of music, as they add operation of extention to a tone, sound mass and such opening new possibilities to composing.

maybe not so much in strict pure drone form, but i don't like as much densities that do not contrast and come to some conflict of a sort.

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