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Well, I don't know about you, but I think it would be good idea to get into the movie music writing business. It's really not that hard to write movie music. Just get a good tune and put a bunch of V chords under it!

So what do you think? Would you like to write movie music?


Wow, I didn't know it was that easy! I must be doing things wrong.

Alot of film score fans just say it's easy to compose scores. Just let the computer do it (especially at Remote Control).


I certainly hope you're joking...........................

oh and I suppose the easy part is writing a good tune?

why put a lot of V (dominant?) chords under the tune?

Look, everybody who has developed a musical voice can write music, that has the musical characteristics of music written for famous movies. The hard part in the business is to know when to fuckin speak up or shut up, both musically and businessy. If you can do that and have a distinctive musical voice you can also sustain a career.

If you start to study film music you'll see.


Heckel - maybe the music itself isn't the hard part - the hard part is scoring effectively to the film.

Quite a difference, if you've ever tried working with a director.

Writing a nice tune with a lot of V chords shouldn't trouble any composer, but that's not how films are scored.

Btw, I also don't hear the 'lots of V chords'... depends what films you're watching though, I guess.

Not a lot of V chords in this :D

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