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Whats this compositional device Bartok uses?

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In Bartoks 'Music for strings, percussion and celesta' 2nd mvt. (which is atonal) Bartok has a passage which uses only major chords in a certain way. is there a name for this device? or scale he uses? its pounded out on the piano. the strings fill in pizz. and the bass plays a phase shifting E dim chord with E flat ( e,g,bflat,dflat,eflat )

he uses chords - Fsharp - Bflat - A - Fsharp - F - D - Fsharp - Eflat - F - G - (now with xylophone) A - Bflat - Dflat - D and so on, these are the chords i have the score.

Anyone have any ideas?

listen from 2:40 and you will hear when it comes in.

I need to know how to describe this for my composition at school, i use a similar device, but its more tonal where i only use 3 chords in a diminished pattern (E flat - G - B)


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...you talking about planing?

Also called parallelism?

Thanks, looked it up on wikipedia and that is exactly what i was looking for! However, what about in terms of just the major chords/minor chords, not 'exact interval parallelism' but can i use the words 'parallel tonality?' as well as parallelism? because i use: (it may not make sense sorry!) 'parallelism' in root position, then 2nd position for 1 chord, back to root parallelism, followed by 2nd, 3rd, (not parallel) then back to root.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I dont have a score, but the notes you mention could fit into a messiaen mode 3 (9 pitches, omitting the E G# and C). You also mention the difference between major and minor chords. Maybe this choice for a mayor or minor triad is directed by this scale?

Oh, and you say it is atonal, is that true? I hear tonal centres...

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