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I'm using the free software MuseScore to write my music. When I'm done, I can save my music as a midi. Now my question is: how can I improve my midis? I'm wondering if there is some free software that does that.

MuseScore is a program that works with sound fonts. These are the sound fonts I have on my computer:






There is not really one answer to this question, but I'll tell you what I do:

- I usualy make my midi files in Finale (http://www.finalemus...le/default.aspx), but this is not a cheap program. If MuseScore works for you then thats good enough, right?

- When I have a complete midi-file I import it into REAPER (http://www.reaper.fm/). Although REAPER is not free, you can try it out for as long as you like for free.

REAPER is an DAW (DIgital Audio Workstation). You can import your midi-files in here, but then you still need a soundfront to make it sound better. There are also numerous 'soundfronts' or soundlibrarys. They range in pirce from cheap to very expensive. I use EWQL (http://www.soundsonline.com/) and Vienna Symphonic Library (http://vsl.co.at/), but these are quite expensive. There are a lot cheaper librarys that are good to work with. Maybe others on this site can tell which ones they are using.

- You can use these libraries by using them as VST's (Virtual Studio Instruments). How this works excactly is quite difficult. I suggest you get yourself a DAW (like REAPER) first. I will be easier to explain if we can be more specific concering the exact program you're using.

You are know verturing into the world of audio editing. This is one the one hand quite a complicated world, but it's really rewarding once you get a hang of it. And if you really want to become a mediacomposer then you need to become very knowledgeable about audio editing. If you want to be accepted into a conservertorium in the Netherlands they expect you to be very good at it, before (!) you get excepted.

There are a lot of people on these forums who are far more knowledgable about this topic, so I hope others will contribute to this thread too.

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