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Hey everyone,

I just was wondering since you started composing, how long do you think it took you to actually make good music? I was also wondering, would taking lessons on this site or even in person actually help me become a better composer??


I second Ian's remark. haha.

If we were good, we'd be on the NY Phil bill. ;) Or... we'd at least be too busy to worry about here.

I say good = successful, though. So, my definition isn't.. the best. haha.

(ACTUALLY, I edit that... Marius is the exception... in my opinion... and maybe Robin. But, they don't do "classical" music specifically.)


It all depends on what you define as good.

For me personally, good is just the beginning. Good is when one own voice starts emerging out of their music Good is when you are really proud of your music, and when others begin to take your music seriously. Good isn't great, it isn't music at your peek but its a start.

I didn't get "good" till my third year of college. Prior to that all music sounded crude mimics of music I was exposed to. The turning point was a piece I wrote for choir in where my compositional voice began to appear. My music still had room to grow, and even now its still growing, but in terms of it being "good" by my own definition, that didn't happen till then.

As far as lessons, it depends on who you are and how you learn. I personally found it very useful and helped me grow as a composer. But for some that is not the case. I would look into it though If I were you, you never know.

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