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I've been reading some scores and I'm confused by something

it states the instruments in the left side of the score.

when it says "Cl(B)" does that mean the instrument is a transposing instrument from, C -> B flat?

Is "Cl(A)" a transposing instrument from C to A?

Is "Cor." a transposing instrument from C to B flat??

What does this mean :Tr - bs.I(B) Sola ?



Cl. stands for Clarinet. There are clarinets tuned in both Bb and A, the score usually specifies which one is to be used. Cl.A means "Clarinets in A".

Cor. stands for horns, especially French Horns (from the italian Corni, meaning Horns), when placed on top of the brass section. If in the middle of woodwinds, it's an English Horn (Cor. Ang. from the French "anglé" or, misnamed, "anglais" = English), which should be clearly identified in the score. At this time there were several kinds of French horns tuned differently, while the standard now is to have them tuned in F, a fifth below the written notes.

Trb. bs. B Sola stands for a single Bass Trombone in B (bass trombone is nowadays notated in C).

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