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Say you decide to call it: " Infinite Opus " , then these are the instructions:

" This is a giant fantasia of interludes that is meant to be composed until the death ( daeth ) of the kompozer, thus an infinite not the infinite composition which would need to be executively-ordered as this one is merely dispersed. Wether mortal or immortal the kompozer may be, this type of composition can never be completed because like the music quest is infinite. It is a side-objective along with the rest of compositions demanded by desire or commission. It may be divided into part 1, part 2, & so on in order to remedie space or memory limitations in notation processors. Ofcourse, the sooner the kompozer undertakes this endevoir, the better. The rules are if it is chosen as a piano solo for instance the piano being the ultimate choice due to it's gigantic spectrum expressional capability other than the organ or synthesizer, then it must always stay a solo. In conclusion, a universal ending should be deviced in a seperate file so that it may be added to the work as the finale regardless of the impossible end. " -K.C.D.L.A.C. ( 09222012 )

P.S. I will be posting my 1st gigantic section ( Part1 ) in the solo keyboard quadrant once it has been completed at an unknown date. :yc:


So, just curious, do you have some kind of learning disability or are you otherwise mentally handicapped in some fashion?


Fantastic idea (and also crazy, hehe)!!!!! I think I'll go in through this insane adventure too, hehehe. Unfortunately, any of these works won't be heard here in a complete version, isn't it =(

I think it's a brilliant idea not just for me but for all kompozers, i wish i would have engaged it when i was a lot younger, not shortly after recently thought of it. It was one of the fellow YC members that partially aided in the idea's exposure, naturally there was a reference to John Cage's Organ2ASLSP which can be found on you tube & wiki pedia. Cage's idea was not infinite but 693 year long composition that is being played constantly even as we breathe which won't be reach a finale until the year 2640 A.D. But mine is theoretically infinite & has or will have hundreds Or 1000's of measures as much as time will allow until my death. I hope you are serious Perotta because such an endevoir is adamant & any kompozer can learn from it in ways that one can't just know without actually engaging in it til the end. My first impression was yes, it's crazy idea but then i appreciated it's worth of benefits. Christian, if you do decide to undertake this quest, let me know of it's post-present post. :D

So, just curious, do you have some kind of learning disability or are you otherwise mentally handicapped in some fashion?

Look LOCRIAN, I was born an adult, some call that a child prodigy. All i think it is is a fascination sometimes obssession with unconventional undertakings & unique way one looks at things thus aiding one on their quest for the master subjects. Check out Vexations by Satie or Organ2 ASLSP by John Cage on you tube & wiki, & i hope you don't agree with hitler's evaluation on you tube that John Cage's work was a grave waste of time. Here are the links:

John Cage:



Cage Wiki:As Slow as Possible - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Satie Wiki:Vexations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Look LOCRIAN, I was born an adult, some call that a child protege.

Sure feel sorry for your mom then. So, do you mean prodigy?

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Sure feel sorry for your mom then. So, do you mean prodigy?

HA ha ha aha hahahahahahahahahaaaahahhh! Yes, i meant PRODIGY! Just forgot the difference which can be said to be opposites.LOLLOL! In music, i used to make music at 4 years old by humming tunes & rhythms all the time & i would often request my favorite songs from the beatles from my uncles. But it was not until 19 years old that i received a few piano lessons. From then on i went my own way. So. Locrian, what is your opinion on the links above & their questionable content?

John Cage and such is fine. I was questioning your general poor sentence structure and lack of ability to spell simple words, as well as your general incoherence.

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Your not my grammar teacher nor my psychologist & neither do i need. My posts are wasted on people like you because you do not listen to the most important aspect of the conversation, instead your probing literary articulations, i am well above your trivial level, your focusing on the letters while i am trying to converse an intelligent concept which shoots at your body like laser & nothing sticks. Do you have the capacity to focus on the issue with your neuro-tissue? :evil:


Your not my grammar teacher nor my psychologist & neither do i need. My posts are wasted on people like you because you do not listen to the most important aspect of the conversation, instead your probing literary articulations, i am well above your trivial level, your focusing on the letters while i am trying to converse an intelligent concept which shoots at your body like laser & nothing sticks. Do you have the capacity to focus on the issue with your neuro-tissue? :evil:

You can't claim to be addressing an intelligent concept while at the same time deliberately ignoring basic things like sentence structure and spelling. It would be like someone posting a score with what should be a C-Major chord in it, but for no particular reason he has it spelled B-sharp, F-flat, and G. Of course no one is going to take the piece seriously nor consider anything about it intelligent since the composer obviously does not care enough about what they are saying to make it presentable. At best it will appear as if the composer has made poor decisions concerning enharmonic spelling and at worst it will look like he has no idea what he is doing.

That's you, you can spout off all the nonsense you want but when you make it sound like a mentally retarded 10 year old wrote the post how do you expect people to react?


That's you, you can spout off all the nonsense you want but when you make it sound like a mentally retarded 10 year old wrote the post how do you expect people to react?

English isn't everybody's native language. If you look at Marzique's profile it says he's from Mexico so it is likely that English isn't his native language. Either way, maybe you should cut him some slack. You understood the point of his post regardless of any grammatical issues so I don't see what the problem is. Also, if we're going to be pedantic about grammar, the comma in the above quote should be a semicolon.

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You can't claim to be addressing an intelligent concept while at the same time deliberately ignoring basic things like sentence structure and spelling. It would be like someone posting a score with what should be a C-Major chord in it, but for no particular reason he has it spelled B-sharp, F-flat, and G. Of course no one is going to take the piece seriously nor consider anything about it intelligent since the composer obviously does not care enough about what they are saying to make it presentable. At best it will appear as if the composer has made poor decisions concerning enharmonic spelling and at worst it will look like he has no idea what he is doing.

That's you, you can spout off all the nonsense you want but when you make it sound like a mentally retarded 10 year old wrote the post how do you expect people to react?

Your point is noted & your insult pardoned, Nonetheless:

ASLSP=The Extinction of humanity morally & molecular!

Locrian, you might want to absorb the Cage & Hitler video links again with a deeper probe.......


You can't claim to be addressing an intelligent concept while at the same time deliberately ignoring basic things like sentence structure and spelling. It would be like someone posting a score with what should be a C-Major chord in it, but for no particular reason he has it spelled B-sharp, F-flat, and G. Of course no one is going to take the piece seriously nor consider anything about it intelligent since the composer obviously does not care enough about what they are saying to make it presentable. At best it will appear as if the composer has made poor decisions concerning enharmonic spelling and at worst it will look like he has no idea what he is doing.

That's you, you can spout off all the nonsense you want but when you make it sound like a mentally retarded 10 year old wrote the post how do you expect people to react?

I'm sorry, Locrian, but your comment has no sense. If Beethoven, in his last compositions, or even Bach, had written a C-major chord as B#, Fb and G, some later theory would be created to explain it. Or, at least, people would think WHY did he write that. If you deal the different, non-standard, not-perfectly-written-and-organized as simple bullshit, then you probably don't have the profile to be an art critic. The evolution of art comes from the new, the different! The simple replications of the already organized and written stuff is... replication!

Now for Marzique Bordex. I'm afraid to start this infinite opus... I really want to!!! But I'm afraid I'll have a bad choice about instrumentation, style, form... I'm still thinking about this to have a good start, so that I'll be able to continue it ad aeternum, hehehe. I'll surely let you know if I actually decide to start it^^

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Interesting topic. The infinite and the infinitesimal are always suggestive concepts in art. Of course, they can't really be achieved, so I do not think a literal infinite is the way to go. Suggesting the infinite within a finite time frame would be more interesting a challenge, in my opinion. Perhaps the solution for true infinite music is some kind of algorithm; the composition itself being a finite yet complex set of generative rules and equations (recursion, heuristics, fractals...)

About the highly original language of Marzique Bordex, the attacks are uncalled for. While it is true that Marzique Bordex literary style is incoherent with standard English grammar and vocabulary, it is also apparent that it is internally coherent, which is the mark of an evolved brain.

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Yes people are defending Marzique now.

RIP YC it was fun.

Don't you know, Marzique is an evolved mind, an innovater with an original writing style!

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I've chosen the piano solo format for what i call " Infinite Opus ", free-form of course to allow maximum creativity in a sort of gigantic fantasia made up of interludes in which these interlude episodes can take on many forms such as waltz, prelude, fugue, etc. They all seem like variations not on a definitive theme but the universal theme known as music. At the same time I've kept them simple more or less galante but always practical enough to be performable acoustically by two hands. I was going to choose the quartet form but the piano solo is my expertise.


Don't you know, Marzique is an evolved mind, an innovater with an original writing style!

After this post, somehow my multi-quote was not included even though this thread is more appropriate. Thanks everybody for the support. Status: My "Infinite Opus" is at the 448TH measure, 23:12 minutes. I don't think it's something that should be hurried but whenever there is a light bulb i go to my notation processor & input the content & the rest is elaboration. One thing i have done besides the music itself is the addition of text designating entire movements as well as precise sections briefly as to what they mean or mean to me as if i was telling a story with the music but not systematically sequential as in a literature composition. Erik Satie used to include text in his works as well & it was through him & the movie Bloodsong that motivated me to do the same regarding some not all works of course. I look forward to comments of this quest ad aeternam.

Yes people are defending Marzique now.

RIP YC it was fun.

It's glad to know I'm not the only one out here.

Something loving horrible must have happened to this site really fast if suddenly people can start mindlessly prattling on about the "infinite" with ridiculously pretentious (not bad, just stomach-churningly, unrepentantly awful) grammar and sad metaphysical references and massively inflating their egos (ooh, look, I am a prodigy) and receive the sort of kneejerk support that seems to be accumulating here. Have we really become so sad and wishy-washy?

Has no-one actually ever read Marzique's profile?

To Marzique: I'm not sure how good a composer you are. Your ideas are grandiose but marginally interesting. Whatever the case may be, you are a lousy human being with an ego that's frankly unbelievable. You claim to be a composer of "genius" (I hope the fact that English is not your first language does not exonerate you. Certainly you ought to be familiar with the meaning of such grossly hyperbolic terms if you bandy them about with such ease), but I have yet to see any evidence of it.

I read a couple of your reviews recently and you seemed to be sobering up (and not stupidly liking your own comments like you used to), but apparently that has not been the case.

About the highly original language of Marzique Bordex, the attacks are uncalled for. While it is true that Marzique Bordex literary style is incoherent with standard English grammar and vocabulary, it is also apparent that it is internally coherent, which is the mark of an evolved brain.

Sarastro, ffs, what utter bollocks. If I can't see any external coherence I see not reason to believe it is internally coherent (an interesting synonym for "meaningless"). Shockingly, the purpose of language is communicative, not obfuscative.

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Xiangyik, i think the problem with being articulate & trying to achieve some heights in musical or intellectual en devours is the side-effect of showing off seemingly gravely immodest. I am merely trying to achieve some unique substance in musical innovation which every known prolific composer accomplished though i am not saying i am prolific. I think with every passing century it is becoming more difficult to achieve the heights of say Mozart or Beethoven due to modern psycho-physical burdens. If you were a child prodigy, why would you deny you ever where? I think my childhood was filled with all too interesting places & odd & rare achievements & circumstances not to mention a cognitive ecstasy which is probably due to the pleasure chemicals that once present in a child's neurochemistry cease to be produced into adulthood. Really xiangyik, i actually am very modest as much as i can avoid my ego from claiming complete dominance over all my neuroquadrants.LOL

  • 1 month later...

The level of open-mindedness and tolerance being shown here by those who choose to be civil is admirable. I think it's obvious somebody needs help. Humiliating someone publicly isn't helpful. Marzique, the only that makes reading your text difficult is the colour. I have to hit Ctrl A everytime I come to your post. Just save the effort.

Thank you for your words! :happytears: I did not know the color was that faint :horrified: , i will try to deny light colors. :nod:

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