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Topic: Compose a single-movement piece for chamber group (2 to 8 instruments) that mixes two "types" of pieces - types being: sonata, fugue, valse, caprice, minuet, passacaglia, rondo, nocturne, and so on. A mix would be, for instance: Valse-scherzo, Prelude-allemande, Nocturne-passacaglia, Minuet-Fantasy, Fugue-romance and so on ! It can be in any style (baroque, classical, romantic, dodecaphonic, etc.). Be creative!
Some examples in literature: Satie's "Valse-fugue", Tchaikovsky's "Valse-schrezo", Reicha's "Fugue-fantasy".
Please don't use tempo marks like "Andante-valse", or "Allegro-villancico". Chose a "type" (sub-genre) that says something about the structure of the work, more than just the tempo.
  • Creativity: 20 pts. Did you pick interesting types? Do their mixture result in something unexpected? Will anyone become curious to listen to it by knowing the two types you have picked? This is an overall rating of the piece, considering general musical aspects.
  • Maintenance of each type: 20 pts. Can we still identify characteristics of each type? If we listen to a work called "toccata-minuet", can we still recognize elements of a toccata and elements of a minuet?
  • Type Mixture: 30 pts. How did you mix these two types? Is the mixture result effective? Does it widen the possibilities of each type's structure? This is a specific category to evaluate the treatment of each type's main characteristics.
  • Instrumentation: 20 pts. Does the instrumentation reflect the type mixture? Is it effective to work with by the choice of types?
  • Score quality: 5 pts. Are the pages cluttered and difficult to read? or is there too much whitespace? Unneeded clashes between notes and other markings; effective use of accidentals; effective use of dynamic and instructional markings? etc.
  • Audio quality: 5 pts. Is the volume too high or too low? Are the various voices clear and effective?

(Points above [in total out of 100pts per judge] are given at the judges' discretion: for instance, with Creativity an entry can be given anywhere between 0-20pts. Points below are given in full if conditions are satisfied; otherwise no points are given. - Points below can make an immense difference: supposing there are four judges, with program notes you will be awarded 20pts immediately, which is equal to Instrumentation, and if the judges mark you down on either, these points can be significant; if there are half as many judges, it's the same as Score Quality or Audio Quality, with much the same consequence.)

  • Live Performance (given atop points for audio quality): 10 pts.
  • Theoretical Analysis and/or Program Notes (on a separate PDF from the score and description panel): 5 pts.
General Rules:
  • A score (in an independent PDF file) and an audio file - not [an external] link to YouTube, SoundCloud, or any other site but the present one - are required: without both the entrant will be disqualified.
  • The piece must consist of only one movement or part; no others will be considered.
  • 3-8 min time limit, 10 sec leeway; deceeding or exceeding this limit, the piece will be disqualified.
Deadline: 30th of April, midnight (PST). Pieces not posted by that time will be disqualified.
Signup: Sign up below whether you'd like to be a judge or an entrant; specify which. First come, first served.
Judges (four limit; two required to proceed):
  1. danishali903
  2. mozartinspiration
Entrants (ten limit; three required to proceed):
  1. Sonataform
  2. ccolson39
  3. thor6136
  4. Muulka

For Further Information: Go here, message the OP, another moderator, or an admin (list: here).


Because points of the topic, scoresheet, general rules, and rules of participation may change as issues come up, it might be well to follow this thread to get updates as they do.

Posted (edited)

I'm wondering, as long as I follow all the guidelines (like a fugue/nocturne) could I compose a piece for voice and piano? I only want to do it for the challenge of adding a third dimension to the mixture. 

Edited by Sonataform

I'm wondering, as long as I follow all the guidelines (like a fugue/nocturne) could I compose a piece for voice and piano? I only want to do it for the challenge of adding a third dimension to the mixture. 


 I don't really see any problem, as "piano + voice" is a chamber configuration. Go on


Everybody is already signed up, except for Austenite, as he wasn't very clear about if he's really signing in or still thinking about.


Better this way. Should I commit definitely, I'll let you know in advance.


Just a quick question. If someone (hypothetically) decides to do a "prelude-fantasy", how exactly would the structure of that hybrid be judged? 


As always, each judge's criteria and interpretation of the scoresheet is individual, so it's not really possible to predict this.


The matter of musical "form" (structure) is not that absolute and may house many contradictions. As for the "prelude-fantasy", many scholars claim that in a prelude there is a strong motivic development and in a fantasy we don't have this (only "freedom").


I am more likely to agree with this distiction, so if I were a judge here (I may still end up being one), I would expect motivic development together with a "no-motive-freedom", in a way that we can identify both and still hear a new hybrid result. If a contestant choses this kind of mixture, I do hope he/she has the ability to achieve this task in a creative, interesting and effective way.


This is how I believe it could be judged.


Would a piece for organ be allowed? Not sure if it count's for a "chamber configuration" as you put it.


The first line clearly states "2 to 8 instruments". Solo organ will not be considered (but "organ + something" fits the rule).

  • 1 month later...

I'm still on the fence about this....I have something planned but I don't know if I'll have enough time to finish it by the deadline. If I don't make any progress on it by next week, I'll sign on as a judge.


I think I will be a judge. So do we listen and grade the competetors' music?


Yes, but you must wait for the deadline, as some competitors are still finishing their pieces.

Check out our previous competitions to know better the ways in which one could grade the pieces.


It's not just grading; you must also give commentaries to each topic of each piece. This is good for the competitors to have a feedback on their work.

When you finish your judgement, you send them to me as a Private Message.

  • 2 weeks later...

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