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Met Cancels Opera Broadcast To Prevent Anti-Semitism


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This week the twitter-sphere has been a buzz because of the Met Opera canceling its world wide broadcast of John Adam's opera Klinghoffer. The decision to cancel the broadcast came after the Anti-Defimation League and the daughters of Klinghoffer expressed concern that the opera might incite to or contribute further to growing anti-semitism in the middle east and Europe. 

For more information here


What struck me was the last section of the statement the ADL and the Klinghoffers said:

“We are strong supporters of the arts, and believe that theater and music can play a critical role in examining and understanding significant world events. “The Death of Klinghoffer” does no such thing.  Its rationalization of terrorism and false moral equivalencies provide no thoughtfulness or insight.”

the entire statement can be found here.


The Klinghoffers have not been a fan of the opera from the very beginning and have been protesting it since 1991. Article here.


What are your thoughts on this? Do you feel the Met did the right thing, why or why not?

What do you think about censorship in music in general, especially when it comes to controversial topics such as this?

And do you agree with the statement about the role of music and theater the Klinghoffers issues with the ADL?

As a composer, do you feel that composer should avoid putting a bias slant to world event or should they remain completely objective?

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I'm not really sure about the Met's situation. But to answer your last question, the truth is it it may not even matter if you avoid being bias when composing. Future generations will do that for you! Just look at how Beethoven's ninth has been construed for political purposes since its creation. I take Beethoven at face value when he talks about universal brotherhood; but others, of course, will see it in their own way regardless. 

Edited by Sonataform
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I just heard about it yesterday on Facebook (actually on John Adams' Facebook page lol). As much as I respect the ADL, I think this is a frivolous publicity stunt   to drum up support for the organization. Their statement with the family is also hypocritical....they're basically saying they only support the arts that support THEIR viewpoint. 


It's also odd that the MET decided to cancel the broadcast, yet they're still staging the opera for the live audience....I think this also sets a pretty bad example for other opera houses to succumb to a group's demands regarding which opera the company should stage based on their political/ideological beliefs. 

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> We are strong supporters of the arts, and believe that theater and music can play a critical role in examining and understanding significant world events.


> “The Death of Klinghoffer” does no such thing.



the second point undermines the first. i don't think many neo nazis are going to be watching contemporary opera, anyway.

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