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Odd Question: Score Writing

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A friend of mine is writing a score for someone from music that the purchaser doesn't have a score for (they have the actual music they want to use, but.. have been unable to locate a place to purchase the score from, so they are having it done up). Bear with me for a second... This composition has taken months to complete. It is two monster sized orchestra pieces... The conductor has now sent it back after reviewing for changes.. which is fine, however, the purchaser has now stated that the pieces are to be used in the concert before payment is made for all the work done


Is this normal practice? And what is the normal price for doing such? I just am afraid they are being taken advantage of, after 4 months worth of work.


Any thoughts on this would be much appreciated.

Edited by Semolina
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I'm confused....is your friend making a score just by listening to an audio source? If thats the case, there might be some copyright issues that might need dealing with. Also, is the purchaser the conductor you mentioned? (If you don't mind my asking, what pieces is the purchaser looking for). 

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Correct. The people putting on the concert hired them to listen to music and create a score for two songs. The songs are very old Ukrainian songs for the Symphony Orchestra that is providing the music for ..I believe it is a celebration concert, that includes a Ukrainian dance ensemble and such. And thus, why they couldn't find a place to purchase the score from as the music is very unique. The conductor did not hire them, but is over-looking the final product to his specifications. I will ask her what the pieces are that they have been working on. Actually, I think I might have a clip of the music...


And there were 4 songs, apparently. It started out as doing two, but ended up being four.


Kraina Kazky (Fairy Tale Dreamland), Zahadav Ya Za Kanadu (I Thought on Canada), Bukov, and Kazachok. 

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Ok wait so someone is holding a concert and they hired your friend to do this job. The scores have been sent to the conductor to be looked over to see if there are issues. Meanwhile the person who is holding the concert with this orchestra (not the conductor) is the person hiring your friend. But that person won't pay your friend for the work they did until after the pieces are performed.


Did I get all of that right? Because if this is what's happening, then yeah that's really shady and I would not be ok with that if I were your friend. Advise him to press further and make sure he gets paid for what he's done.


On a side note, if these are old folk songs being arranged for orchestra then I don't think there are copyright issues.

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Did I get all of that right? Because if this is what's happening, then yeah that's really shady and I would not be ok with that if I were your friend. Advise him to press further and make sure he gets paid for what he's done.


On a side note, if these are old folk songs being arranged for orchestra then I don't think there are copyright issues.



That is exactly right and what my concerns are. And yes, I don't believe there are any copyright issues, but, I think because they are new to this scene, the people are taking advantage. I have never heard of performed work like this waiting to be paid until after the concert is performed. When the work is done, payment is due immediately. The only reason I would even think they would try that is that they are probably hoping to fund it by ticket sales. (Tickets are 90+ per ticket and the concert hall seats 2300+.) But then again, I personally had red flags going up when the people tried to get them to complete it in a months time. (Just seems like no one else would do it and told them to go fly a kite?) The price they said they would pay them was $1000 per song, which started out as 2, then progressed to 4. Personally, the hassles they have gone through isn't worth the cash.. It almost feels like they found someone that could use the cash.. and are really taking advantage. 

Edited by Semolina
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