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Summer Is Here! (Books To Select?)

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So I made it through the first grade of university, passed all the stuff and now I have two months of peace to focus on languages and music, bit of this and bit of that. Before I fully begin I think it would not be bad to ask about music books here.


I got a book on counterpoint by Markand Thakar and Theories of Harmony + Fundamentals of Classical composition from Schoenberg (wow! I maybe believe in myself too much on this one? :D) The thing is I would be dissapointed if I studied books that are a bit out of date or something (nothing personal to Arnold, I am just trying to be cautious). If you guys have any knowledge on better choices please share. Something more actual? I really need and want to start focusing on modern classic since I am starting a conservatory {composition} this year.


I am not even moderately good in music theory (although I got an A and got better than my classmates who graduated from conservatory, but they seem like they don't give a damn about this "useless thing" :D) But a mark evaluation and comparison with others are just... silly. I get the basics I mean. 9th chords, 7th chords, alterated, modulations {side-tonal dominants = literal translation from my language. How is it in english if you know what I mean? In c major scale is f major chord a side-tonal dominant to bflat major), intervals and scales of course. 


Basic Theory and Harmony, History of Music and Musical Forms are the fields I think I should look into. It would not be bad to have a good book on orchestration but I can't study everything when I have a piano, guitar practice to do as well + german, french and spanish and english theory + literature. AGH! So much to do. I heard counterpoint is a subject to look into after being firm in harmony. That true?



Analysis of music:

When I look at sheet music I am all like "Ok this chord progression repeats mostly every 8 measures. Here is a modulation, that's a dominant 7th chord's 3rd inversion. yay. Much information, very analysis." I feel like I am not doing the thing properly OR effectively. Should I look at form, main theme, figures and variations of them. WHAT is the BEST engagement to a piece of sheet music and analysis of music?



Summary of my humble request:


Most actual and good books on:

-Harmony {apart from Schoenberg)

-Composition {apart from Schoenberg)

-Musical Forms

-History of Music






Tips on analysis of musical works.


Don't get me wrong I know how to google. But asking you may eliminate the possibility of having some popular joke in my library. Like that joke of a book I have on classical composition from Otomar Kvěch. "A composers desk should have a pencil, sheet paper and rubber" sort of information :D. But he gives at least the very basics on melody construction, harmony, forms and orchestration. Though it is not going very deep in there.

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If you are also studying several foreign languages, why not look for some composition books in those languages?  It will give you a chance to practice music theory and language study at the same time.  You might be able to find some music theory lectures on youtube in different languages as well, which is a great way to learn something and wash the dishes at the same time.  (I read all my "beach reading" books in the French translation for practice:  the Harry Potter books, DaVinci Code, murder mysteries, etc.  It's great review.)  

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Music books I have on my to-do list for the near future:

Free Composition -schenker

Music in the galant style- robert gjerdigen

Beethoven memoirs by Riesz and Wegeler, and by von Breuning 

Modern music and after- griffiths (this one I am finding to be really dry, but I must plow through)

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Do you have access to JSTOR? If so, I could point you to some exemplary analytical articles, because the sort of analysis you mention is very elementary and not meaningful beyond simple labelling.

I never heard of it. Thank you for introducing me to it. It looks like Cambridge books library my unversity had a free trial to but we could not access journals. Is everything in JSTOR free or only some of the books and journals? 


I registered. So what articles should I look for?

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