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Many Started, Few Finished?


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Hello everyone! Missed you guys and hope everyone is doing well :) but I had a job this semester and barely even had time to eat.
I still have managed to get little ideas down here and there.. and am still actively trying to find a band.
My question is though, I have all these scraps of ideas, but I barely finish any of them.
I think part of it is that most times I am just sitting down, fooling around, and don't have a concrete image of what I want to create.
Do you guys set yourself deadlines? Tell yourself to write a song in 10 minutes? Any suggestions to help me out would be greatly appreciated.
Also, these bits and pieces seem to have no relation to each other. It may be that I use garageband and it's soooo easy to make the same instrument sound completely different from the last track. But how do albums hold the same sound throughout the tracks? Am I still just kind of finding my sound?
Thanks so much <3 as walways

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I have those moments as well. Personally, I don't know how to read or write music; I'm oblivious to all of the musical terms in regards to orchestration, so for me if I can get a good start going I tend to just flow from there. If I reach a point where *something* just don't feel quite right about what I'm making I just save it and leave it alone then start something new only to follow the same route as before. 

I have a lot of unfinished projects that could really be interesting. I usually just leave music alone entirely and just listen to what you guys create until I build up enough interest to start again. Just like now actually after I posted Through the Devil's Gate, I'm fresh out of energy and ideas but I do have something in mind now that I want to sound barbaric and medieval, but for now I'm just going to take my time, listen to you guys music and slowly just ease my way into that idea.

Edited by LostSamurai
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I bet if you keep writing it will all sort itself out.  How do albums keep a cohesive sound across the tracks?  Either they picked the songs that seemed to best relate to each other from a larger set.  (Keep writing and you'll have a large set to pick from).  (:  Or they had written enough that they started to think of certain ideas they wanted to explore in depth, and they wrote a bunch of material exploring those ideas.  (Keep writing and you'll start to have pet projects that you want to focus on too.)  

You could try giving yourself a concrete set of restrictions for a song, even if you don't give yourself a deadline.  Give yourself, say, three rules that the next song you write has to adhere to, and let those rules affect the choices you make.  Pick a tempo, an instrument to show off, and a theme and see what you can make out of those restrictions.  Sometimes having an "assignment" can help you narrow down your ideas.  I wouldn't worry about it too much.  If you're having fun, you'll keep composing, and if you keep composing, you'll keep getting better and the kinks will work themselves out.  

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