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Hey, long time no see. This is a piece I wrote a year ago and have been slowly editing since then and I think I've finally got it to where I want to.

Long story short, this is a piece that follows the progression of a storm I was watching one night and became influenced by

Leave comments/suggestions/critiques and so on ^^

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While there isn't a whole melody, the Klangfarbenmelodie clearly makes a semblance and there are a lot of motivic phrases definitely. 
While MIDI certainly does limit the resulting sound, I think your string orchestration could be a little more cinematically driven. It doesn't give them the opportunity to use the harshness of the instruments that's available.
Also, your transition to B major was a little awkward, just going from i to I.
But it definitely has a great feel to it. Kind of like a more cinematic Beethoven 6. 


Sorry for getting back to you both so late.

Ilv - I see what you mean in those sections, I'll fiddle around some more with the notes and go from there

Monarcheon - Thanks for the comment! I'll be honest I have no idea I was doing any indication of Klangfarbenmelodie but looking at it I must have done that unintentionally and I did rework the transition a little bit but it's not where to it fits just yet so I'm going to be updating this soon!

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