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I am fairly new as a composer. I have no music background ( theory ) and no musical education. I started playing guitar 4 years ago, and since 3-4 months iv started using my guitar as a "root" instrument for creating what iv always wanted and what iv enjoyed listening as a kid and as an adult. Like i said, im new in this i have some months experience with FL studios and it would be a VERY good step in my career if you guys can help me take notes in what i do. So here is my first so called soundtrack or composition, enjoy it and tell me what you think. Thanks


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Welcome and congrats on starting out. Unfortunately I can't comment a lot without using some rudimentary theory so I would learn the basics eventually just to be able to communicate with those around you more effectively. 
The high melody lines jumps and skips both melodically and in terms of rhythm. It's just a bit off putting.
In general, the whole beginning section could have used a little more contrast in motion, simply because it just felt like one amorphous chord through the whole thing and didn't make me react in any specific way.
In the faster section, going beyond the 3 typical chords (i, VII, VI) would be beneficial just to create more harmonic tension.
The second fast section transitions out kind of strangely and feels too short. Same thing with the ending few bars.
Keep it up!


Wow :) thanks and all but im sorry i couldnt understand 90% of what you wanted to tell me. Im excited for the replay i didnt expected a replay at all. :D 

So i dont know what you ment by "In the faster section, going beyond the 3 typical chords (i, VII, VI) would be beneficial just to create more harmonic tension." I dont want to be annoying and get your attention to explain me basic things but all in all i appreciate your rewiev and comment ill try to learn more :)

p.s. i have no knowlage in music theory, this is all composed by ear and how it felt right for me.

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