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Well, I have alot of music pieces that sound like the Moonlight Sonata as well XD

It reminds me of what I composed at my first year as a composer.

If I have any advice, you ask?

Too static (again, but don't worry, my first one hundred compositions were static).

If you want some advice for development... I'm not really good at that myself XD

But try to change chords, maybe go out of the scale.

Before or while writing the piece draw a line on a paper that shows the way the music is going to develop,

and try to follow that line. That's what I do when I feel that I want the music to go somewhere but it doesn't.

Try starting by changing the way the piano behaves,

you can keep the parts where it's only three notes that repeat themselves per bar, but try adding something else too.

Other than that, try to create a melody you can sing or whistle for youself. Something you'll remember.

If you meant to do minimalistic music then it's fine.


I'll attach to this comment my Moonlight Sonata like piece that I composed two years ago,

maybe you'll get a new idea while listening to it.

Please don't take the melody though.

Would like to hear the next version,

If you're really planning on doing that,

I hope that was helpful :)


*Maybe this piece is not a great example because it's repetitive too XD

Maybe it'll give you good ideas though.


I just saw that the piece I sent you is actually a really bad example because I did there things I told you not to.

There's one thing you can learn from it- it has a melody. Try to create one for yours.


Firstly, first few bars gave me moonlight sonata andante vibe. Not sure if your intention was to create something unique but these chords are overused in "sad" pieces. Also, transition at 0:50 was very unexpected and abrupt. The die down at around 1:20 was pretty awkward too, though maybe it's just the midi quality. 

Please add more to it (development) and use more chords and nuances! That'll make it into a complete work

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