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This is my first composition since I started learning about orchestration and composing last year. The sounds are directly from Musescore so it isn't great. 
I started out composing just for the sake of learning but realized that I enjoyed it very much. I spent a lot of time on it and ended up with this. 
I'm an amateur composer but I hope you'll like it. 

I'm happy for any kind of feedback. 

Eirik Gisnås 



Yes. You can see the instruments on the pdf or in the musescore-link. I guess you would even call it an expanded orchestra because of the contrabassoon? But I'm not sure. I think modern orchestras have a big variability in instrumentation. 


I enjoyed the piece and think that it's well orchestrated, especially for a first orchestral work and for an orchestra that big.

Two things I think you should notice:

1. You can spare place on the score. The scores I usually read tends to have one or two percussionist staffs, and every time the percussionist needs to use a different instruments its notes above that staff.  You could also, instead of copying and pasting every time, write "French Horn 1-4" on one staff, for example. Also, I'm not sure how to do that on Musescore but you should have an option that hides empty staves, and makes more space on the score which makes it easier for the conductor to read. In my Sibelius it looks that way:  image.png

2. The main theme sounds close to the Elder Scrolls theme. But its probably just me, I'm kind of obsessed with finding this theme in other pieces since the FFXV soundtrack came out. 


I hope that was helpful :)


P.s. also you might have left a few people completely out of air there. image.png.3d337e4b7b92746617d4b01fd6ca85b9.png



Thank you for your constructive feedback. 

1) I will remember this for my next composition. I'm not 100 % familiar with Musescore yet and I think it's overall a little limited. But I will try to save space. I actually made this one in order to make it play back correctly so I should have made another one just for reading. I know I shouldn't have 6 horn staves.. :) 

2) That's funny. I have in fact not heard this soundtrack but it sure is pretty close. Crap... Or maybe I have heard it and my subconsciousness is just tricking me :) I thought someone would say it was too close to Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack, at least rhythmically. 

And regarding the choir I should have written "stagger/free breathing" in that particular place. 

It has very helpful, thank you! 

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