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WIP PREVIEW: 9 Sacred Geometry Fugues for Orchestra *Performance Recording posted 1/17/19*

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Just to update, there was a performance at the Musical Instrument Museum by the Musica Nova Orchestra under the baton of Maestro Warren Cohen back in October of 2018. They played the first movement, "Squaring the Circle," which can be seen below:

0. Praeludium Lunare:

1. Squaring the Circle (sampled recording):
View the full score and all parts:
0. Praeludium Lunare
A full moon occurs every 29.5 days, so 59 is two full moons. 59 is a prime number DdG 29.5, Gd 59, dd 99, Crc 108,
Cc 18, CDEAd 12.369, CGE 153 , DCA 216, EB since 37 is the number of moons in 3 years, root of 111, 22, 88 etc.
37 measures divided into sections of 18 and 19 measures since 18 is the number of years in a Saros eclipse cycle,
and 19 is the years of the Metonic cycle. 9/8 time sig. 9/8 is a whole tone, and the ratio of squaring the circles of
Earth and Moon on top of each other. 59bpm since there are two full moons in 59 days.
13 is the number of Aluminum, which is what vibraphones are made of. 5,12,13 Pythagorean triangles (maid,
mother, grandmother Ixchel), with the bisecting line dividing the 5 into 2 and 3, has a length of 12.369 (the number
of full moons per annum). The countermelody is vibes playing 13, 5 12 13, 12369, ie CE, G CD CE, CDEAd etc
Moon Magic Square has a Magic Sum of 369 (ie 12.369) and a Sigma Square Sum of 3321 (EEDC), and is a 9x9.
12 hit points on the magic seal for the odd/even shadings, 4 corners and the 8 shaded even number region wraps.
Tuba assigned to 4 corners (37, 5, 45, 77; EB, G, FG, BB), Horns 1 and 2 fiber muted (ww1) for the 2 innermost
region wraps, Bsn 3rd register (ww1) for the 2 outermost region wraps. Magic Square motifs can be played in
retrograde so it won't matter necessarily which order of occurence you read these squares, the talismanic effect
will be the same.
Binary form, but unlike most Baroque binaries, the B section is in the minor subdominant not the major dominant
(fm instead of GM). The reason for this is CF is a P4 and in Keppler's analysis of the celestial spheres, the only
occurence of the musical P4 is involving the moon. I also prefer the ivm as when you get back to I it sounds even
more uplifting, which is often done in Classical era pieces.
1. Squaring the Circle
65 bpm because the interplay of 6vs5 is half the sacred secret. This is why the horns play GA pads (5vs6).
Much of the 6vs5 ideas are dealt with in Sombre Paris for Wind and Brass Septet, but in sum:
6/5 where 6 is time and 5 is space. 6660in is 555ft
"Adenine is a hexagonal ring and a pentagonal ring, as is DMT, serotonin, and melatonin
There are 59 beads on the Rosary corresponding to 53 Hail Mary’s and 6 Our Fathers.
6 Gloria Patris for which there are no beads are also said in the Rosary bringing the
total number of prayers to 65.
The obverse of The Great Seal of the United States has 13 stripes (representing the
colonies), 13 stars in the “glory” above the eagle’s head, 13 arrows, 13 leaves, and
13 olives. 13 x 5 = 65.
In addition the feathers on the wings, 33 on the left and 32 on the right, add up to 65.
Also, through “Pythagorean addition” 32 becomes 3+2 = 5 and 33 becomes 3+3 = 6.
The wings of the bird then represent the relationship between 6 and 5.
Multiplying Phi squared by 6/5 is Pi
1.2 x (1.6180 x 1.6180) = 3.1415
Illuminant D65 6500 Kelvins" -Scott Onstott
12/5 and 6/5 Jerusalem rectangles
The hexagram vs the pentragram, hexagon vs pentagon, 6 v 5 (Pope Sixtus V etc)

1. Phi 1.6180339887 CACcrEEdccB // G: GEGgrBBaggF# // a: AFAarCCbaaG(#) // E: EC#EerG#G#F#eeD# // F or f: FDFfrAAgffE or FDbFfrAbAbgffE(b)
2. Pi 3.14159265 ECFCGdDAG // G: BGCGdDAED // a: CADAEbBFE // E: G#EAEBf#F#C#B // F or f: AFBbFCgGDC or AbFBbFCgGDbC
3. Phi^2 2.61803398875 DACcrEEdccBG // G: AEGgrBBaggF#D // a: BFAarCCbaaG(#)e // E: F#C#EerG#G#f#eeD#B // F or f: GDFfrAAgffEC or GDbFfrAbAbgffE(b)C
4. Pi^2 9.86960440109 dcAdArFFrCrd // G: agEaErCCrGra // a: baFbFrDDrArb // E: f#eC#f#C#rAArErf# // F or f: gfDgDrBbBbrFrg or gfDbgDbrBbBbrFrg

  • 2 weeks later...

Your link to the full score doesn’t work. (It is truncated.)

An interesting concept, though I am not sure that “fugue“ is the name I would stick onto these pieces. Some parts remind me a bit of the ludus tonalis by Paul Hindemith.

  • Like 1

I have added the prelude movement and and am working on the 2nd and 3rd fugues now. Thanks for any constructive criticism or listening/viewing, I hope you gain something out of it.

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