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Tempo shifts are a bit too drastic sometimes. Interrupts flow after short periods of time.
Use of counterpoint is generally quite nice, though it's very distracting when there's a register disparity. It lacks the proper Schenkerian voice exchange when you shift keys, either through modulation or chord progression.
Near the end, some of your chords seem to blend together with awkward results. V over i and V over iv normally. But it's never that big an issue.

Posted (edited)

Hello Monarcheon. Thanks for listening and your feedback 🙂. This was inspired in popular music, what you point out as mistakes are common resources in popular music. That’s big part of my background (this was also inspired in classical and film music). For some people it may sound pleasant. It is a kind of free mixture of several influences and also, it was a piece of the last year I orchestrated and recomposed (now my music is becoming a bit different but I found funny to orchestrate that melody, the may one which acts as “chorus”). It is supposed to be funny and with several changes, as the idea of my composition was to retrieve some images somehow in the mind of the listener (not sure if I achieved that). Well, I will consider your feedback anyway, as I know what you mean, and it is fair, but consider how the piece was planned: not all popular music follows those rules and for sample a small silence sometimes serves as bridge between two keys,, or the speed and intention, in my piece the intention was to be a dynamics piece that “jumps” a lot. Well I think I see the music differently because I have heard a lot of popular music, a lot of musicians making music as they think it should be (they even use parallel fifths), and your ear gets used to it as “not a mistake”. 

Hope this clarifies my intentions and my decision taking. Nevertheless now I am developing more classical things, trying to follow the rules. But mainly I follow my instincts, i think they may change as soon I am becoming better or knowing more about music, this is a big science. This is only my hobbie so I guess it is fine for the moment to feel free to do what I think and feel it is correct. But, maybe,  the in the future, I would totally change everything in here, as tastes change, and yes, my tastes have changed with the time, i don’t see a reason why i wouldn’t change in the future again (maybe I would destroy my soundcloud LOL).

rgds 🙂

Edited by Donethur

Hello Monarcheon, I will give you an example. This is a very good one. And check the comments, a lot of people likes that. It doesn’t mean i want to make music for that public anyway (otherwise I would put guitars on it and a voice), I just compose for myself according to my tastes. 

WARNING: decrease the volume of your speakers, it is metal and it sounds loud (although it is metal inspired in clsssical music too). LOL I used to listen this too several years ago 🙂



I've extensively studied popular music as part of my second degree in music history. Far be it from me to call something wrong, but personal style doesn't excuse something from alternate views. Similarly, simply because everyone likes it doesn't necessarily make it an artistically viable choice. The poetry by Rupi Kaur, for example, is very popular but hardly good poetry.

As it stands, your handle on voice leading in counterpoint is quite good. Modern pop likes to use cross modal counterpoint and it seems like you picked up on that naturally which is admirable. To me it just occasionally doesn't work vertically as well as horizontally.

Posted (edited)

Yes sure, I totally respect your opinion, it is fair as I mentioned 🙂 (by the way, Christopher Lee, the actor, participated in that metal band as a curious story).

I wasnt composing since march, because my equipment died, and as soon I bought a new one, I picked some old compositions from the last year, and I worked over them, I respected their initial spirit and structure. 

This is the last one I composed, if you want to listen 🙂 it is a piano pìece inspired in F. Chopin,  and classical music in general.




Edited by Donethur

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