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Hi, here goes a short Choral piece for Brass, Organ and Strings big essemble. I added some reverbs to create a big place atmosphere, like a church.

I appreciate your comments. 


I really enjoyed this! Suspensions were well utilized, it was orchestrated well (b. 18, for instance), and the length of the piece felt appropriate. At bar 28, I welcomed your inclusion of a sort-of 'connector' between the sections in the second trumpet; perhaps I could have done with more instances of this, though for the chorale-style I certainly understand why you did not (it isn't necessary, I don't think). Good job!  


It seems like you wrote the organ part and just copied out to the other instruments. It would suit the piece much more to have the instruments play the roles of the arrangements in support of each other rather than acting as simple stops of the organ. Simply adding dynamics would improve the piece much more. Try not to use mf and make a decision on the dynamic either of the ways. Then think about phrasing and slurring of the bows.

Notation wise have the horn at the top and organ between brass and strings.

Dynamics in trumpet 1 bar 5 is unnecessary since it had it in the beginning. Organ missing dynamic bar 1. Bar 18 the strings would need dynamics. Also the last four bars have extra hairpins above the system?

It seems to me you are relying too heavily on the comma. Try not to use it notation and take deliberate choices on note length.

Posted (edited)

It seems notationally I missed a few things...I will have a check at it.

About dynamics, I relay probably too much in who finale 2014 play them, but I don't really know who would it sound played by a real orchestra...

thanks for your feedback bryla!

Edited by Guillem82

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