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Since last time I uploaded some of my works I've been struggling with countersubjects and trying my best at finishing any piece of mine into an acceptable counterpoint ar something relatively close to a fugue (perhaps it gets to be a fughetta). I've been unable to finish anything really, mainly because of lack of inspiration due to many other factors, but this one seems fairly good to me in comparison to my previous works (I also must humbly notice again that my previous pieces were... Well, not even worth being called "pieces" to current standards). But anyway, here it is:

P.S.:  it might be also noticed immediately that the audio is playing a harpsichord. To me, it just sounds better than the piano, at least using an open-source sound font.



 Unfortunately I am not an expert in writing fugues, so cannot really say much about the piece. I liked it,  but I think the audio could be rendered better with some more expressive marks (e.g. the most obvious one: a ritardando before the trill?).  I expecially liked the modulation in bar 22. I did not like the main theme though, probably due to the jump on the fifth which sounds a bit empty. What happened to the ending btw? 😛


Thank you for answering. I'm aware I could have set ritardando marks or more ornaments (despite Musescore3 still lacking any specific function to make the first one possible).

Regarding that specific modulation on bar 22, just to say it's not among my best. Regarding the whole (despite still uncomplete) piece, I've been recently told that rhythmic division changing is quite uncommon (for example in bars 26 to half 28 or within the very subject), in which 6/8 turns into 3/4 appears. I don't know to which extent is it supposed to be an unpleasant feature but I still didn't remove it at all.

About the ending... Well, this piece just became one among the too many developed pieces I did not intend to finish due to lack of inspiration or... Well, just leaving them over to sleep and then finding myself unable to continue.

I'm still trying to finish a couple others I've started since I uploaded this one, one of which (in B-flat major) I'm hoping to finish an upload soon.


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