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In this fugue, I introduced two pedal note passages and a stretto at last, and I'm aware there might be some parallels and spots of voice crossing, but I think this is my best one ever (in comparison to previous ones of mine). So, I'll let you users and scholars do the critics, here it is:


EDIT: Corrected the parallels in the score. By the way does someone know where to find voice linking lines in Musescore3? I simply can't find them. Thanks.

Edited by Nloki

This is really nice too! I'll look into it in a bit more detail than the last one.

Bar 3: I like the A# in the 2nd half of the bar. You could easily have left it as an A natural, but you decided to sharpen it. Good choice!

Bar 8: There are a couple of direct/parallel octaves here. The problem with this is that it can weaken the harmonic structure that you are building up in this exposition.

Bar 20: The parallel octave between the top and bottom voice loses the sense of counterpoint. However, we don't always need to worry about this: I think it sounds really nice despite it 'breaking the rules'

Bar 21: The pedal throughout the next 4 bars works well. Be aware that usually in the Baroque era, it would be written as one looooooong tied note which would be trilled. Here you have repeated the note, and that's fine.

Throughout the 2nd pedal, there are some unusual dissonances. They are okay, but sticking with the traditional Baroque rules, you should try to keep these off the beat. It sounds a bit contemporary compared to the rest. How traditional do you want to be?

Well done!


Thanks again! Uff, those octaves, what a shame... This is what happens when one feels too confident about their work, I'm so sorry.

I didn't even notice those overwhelmingly obvious parallels between bass and tiple in measure 20. And they are way visible, oh my God. In fact I was so concerned about solving one parallel octave in the D-sharp minor fugue that I utterly forgot about this one. And also, it's so ridiculous that just by changing the first G# in the bass at measure 8, those parallel fifths would be solved (wouldn't they? I'll need to check that back in a moment).

As for the A#, nothing else but an applied dominant. I guess it sounds good anyway.

And lastly, in regards to keeping harmony as Baroque as possible, I guess it might seem like it's my primary goal, with those spots of pure dissonance necessarily deemed as "bad", and I guess that would be the most sensible even for Bach, whose development of tonality and idssonance as well was way advanced to his time. But indeed, there is already a Youtube channel, "The Bach Emulation Project", who somewhat sporadicallly uploads exactly that: fugues, partitas and all sort of stuff intended to emulate Bach's music as rigourously as possible. And whoever behind that account fulfills such purpose so well that viewers often write things like "Bach is back from heaven" or "this is the best imitation of Bach's music I've ever heard". And they aren't wrong at all. Should go check that channel out, it's astonishing, amazing, astounding and awesome. Almost seems like Bach had come from the dead once more for today's world to value his music again (not seriously but anyway, one can always dream...)

Anyway, what I wanted to say is: I don't think I'm going fully Baroque. in fact, I think it would be impossible to me since, despite listening a lot to Bach's and other baroque composers' music, I still live in the 21st century. And sadly, each day on the way back home I am forced to listen to all sorts of modern music of the youth, from simple pop to reggaeton (seriously) just because the bus driver won't f-ing turn off the radio. And I can say for sure, living nowadays on our society and having to follow and get exposed the majoritary trends just because they are the majoritary trends while loving Baroque music is... Well, not healthy at all. It's mainly frustrating, and even infuriating but, what can I do? Utterly nothing.

Well, thank you very much for reviewing my fugues @aMusicComposer. Your opinion is much appreciated and I'm glad you liked them! :D

Thanks a lot.

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