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  • 2 months later...

Alright alright.

First section- way too repetitive, lack variation.

I mean you might have looked at a Hisaishi work and said "ho well this theme repeats so many times"


It doesn't mean that it's a good thing, especially not if that that simple,

especially not if you don't variate harmony, chord progression, or basically anything other than adding more octaves.

Also you might want to reconsider the chords, if you do want to keep your three-chord progression.

Also watching all those octaves was really painful. I remember doing this as well a few years back- an octave can add and lift on specific places but like percussion-

if you use it too much, and if you only use that as a so called "harmony enhancer", it becomes dull.

Second section-

Ahhh non octaves at last.

It still seems as if you don't get anywhere beyond your basic chord triad.

Yes, the harmony changes a little, which is great considering the previous section, but you could really benefit from using richer chords.

Third section-

Why are we back here again?

and the octaves...

Fourth section-

Yessss richer chords! Thank you!

Now you only need to change the rhythm.

I mean, you had a simple yet nice poly-rhythm somewhere in the middle,

now you changed into a richer harmony but it's all eights, and the bass is really just eights that are all the same velocity.

It seems as if you wanted to create a sense of growth. Again, percussion note is relevant here too. Also it just seems to cut off awkwardly.

You introduced some new material with richer chords, I expect to see it on the next sections.

Fifth section-





  • 1 month later...

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