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Posted (edited)

I wrote a Romance for piano trying to explore some romantic harmonies I'm not very used to. It has a ABA' form. A is like a Funeral March, but It should be in 4/4 metric to be a Funeral March. B is a more lyrical section, contrasting in texture and tempo with A. At the repetition of B there's a modulating section using dim7 chords. 

Any comments regarding style or harmony are wellcome. 

Hope you enjoy it!

Edited by Guillem82
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very nice, you managed to catch a nice melody as usual, your melody in the middle part I liked it original ideas. In general I felt like a drama music. Do you agree that Fminor reminds of death, or was it a try?   

Posted (edited)

Thanks for your comments! I have only written 2 pieces in Fm and both are very dramatic. Yes, I find Fm and also Cm very dramatic. I don't write usually with 4 flat. I never wrote for AbM, when I think of a melody and that's in a key with more than 3 flat or sharp I usually change the key.

But in this case I imagine the melody as it was writen in Fm. I could imagine the melody moving Ab-G-G-F on the first theme, then I recorded the melody singing on my phone. Two days later I heard it again and went to the piano and indeed it was in Fm, so I said, that one has to be written in that Fm. 

I don't have absolute pitch but it happends to me more and more often that I imagine a sound or a chord and my fingers find the right keys without any reference. Do you think absolute pitch can be depeloped be practicing, or otherwise is a quality you just born with or not? I always though it's a born quality of a few people, but I'm changing my mind.

I think I'll open a new treat about that...I find it interesting 🙂 



Edited by Guillem82
24 dakika önce, Guillem82 dedi:

Yorumlarınız için teşekkürler! Fm'de sadece 2 parça yazdım ve her ikisi de çok dramatik. Evet, Fm ve Cm'yi çok dramatik buluyorum. Özellikler 4 daire ile yazmam. AbM için hiç yazmadım, bir melodi düğmesiniüğümde ve 3'ten fazla düz veya keskin olan bir anahtarda verilerin anahtarını değiştiririm.

Ama bu durumda melodiyi Fm'de çalışırğı gibi hayal ediyorum. Ab-GGF'yi hareket edebdiğini hayal edebildim, daha sonra melodinin şarkılarını telefonuma kaydettim. Fm'deydi, bu sebep dedim ki, o Fm'de bir tane yazdığı. 

Mutlak ziftim yok ama bana bir ses veya akor hayal ettiğim ve parmaklarımın istediğiniz bir referans bulmak doğru tuşları bulduğunuz daha sık görüyorum. Mutlak ziftin pratikte depeloped olabileceğini mi düşünüyorsunuz yoksa başka bir şekilde yeni doğup doğma istiyorum mı? Her zaman birkaç insanın doğuş kalitesi olsa da, fikrimi değiştiriyorum.

Sanırım bu konuda yeni bir muamele açacağım ... ilginç buluyorum 🙂 


yours may be more relative pitch. I know that perfect pitches distinguish notes as clearly as colors. but if tunning changes, everything will be turned upside down for them. (sample: handel A4=422) dictation and relative pitch can be won by anyone, but the perfect pitch must be innate. (im not sure) 

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