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"Sorry, some required files are missing, if you intended to view a topic, it's possible that it's been moved or deleted. Please go back and try again."

Why do I get that message all the time?!


This is because the attachments posted in some topics have since been removed by the poster who attached them. If you're desperate to hear a certain piece, you could send a PM or email to the member who attached the file and request it.

Note: Your post was moved from within another topic over to the technical problems forum.


The reason why I increased space again is because it is aggravating to read about someones post about a particular piece, to only find out the file is missing. So, since I have limited resources, I am going to have to think of a way to balance free space with bandwidth and used space. Limiting mp3's on the board is a good start. Having a cheap monthly service for mp3 space and opportunity to be heard (create your own album where users can search, download and rate your mp3's) will be an option soon as well. The question is, would it be worth setting this thing up if no one is going to pay for space?

Any opinions on if anyone would pay to upload mp3's on this site using a pretty cool album and rating system?


This is not a technical problem. I believe the problem is that when I reduced the space to 1 meg, people started to delete their music to free up space. This is the reason why I raised the free space to 3 megs. But keep in mind I can't be irresponsible with resources, as they are limited, and I am giving them out for free.

The reason why the links to the broken midi files still show in the composers files is because there are many broken links to the old files in the forums. When people erase their midi files, the links still reside, which is why it shows in the composers files. Therefore, I probably should do a manual delete of those links, but that would take forever. The best bet is to raise the space, which is what I did.



Andrew, I haven't deleted any of the attachment files so I'm not sure where anything of yours has gone. Maybe what has happened is that everything was somehow re-arranged when the global space was changed and/or a bug caused things to be randomly deleted. The uploads folder has 112 .ipb files in it, suggesting that there are 112 attachments throughout the board. Sounds a bit low, doesn't it?

Sorry about that, I'll try and monitor this in future.


Yep, most of mine are gone too. I haven't touched attachments in any way though. It must be some kind of bug, or something to do with the recent increase. I really don't know though. Apologies to those affected.


Problem fixed and files restored.

I don't know what happened, but files got erased somehow. I had to use last months backup to replace the missing files. What a mystery. Most files are recovered, but if there are still some missing, there is nothing I can do about it.

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