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  • 1 month later...

This is very nice.  I especially enjoy the harmony in the B section.  Have you played this to evaluate technical facility and dissonance? There are a few places where I wonder about this - for instance, the missing third on the downbeat of m.4 sounds rather hollow, and the B natural clashing with the C at the end of beat 1 in m.16 seems a bit out of place to my ear in a work that largely features soft dissonances. Regarding technical facility, m.15 is certainly playable, but it would very likely feel awkward for the RH on the 2nd beat.  I understand why you made the decision not to use A as the lowest note here, but it would feel much better if you did. Eliminating the low F would also significantly mitigate the problem.

I hear this piece with a somewhat slower tempo - it provides more time to enjoy the harmony in the B section and also a somewhat more introspective as opposed to cheerful character.  But that's an entirely personal choice, and if you were aiming for cheerful, the current tempo is definitely more appropriate.

  • Yuchanbot changed the title to deleted

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