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Once again you show your unique harmonic aptitude in these miniatures.  There's plenty of secondary diminished chords and augmented 6ths chords and delayed resolutions to the tonic.  Your pieces remind me of Schubert's "Moments Musicaux".  Your ternary form no. 10 is perhaps the one that reminds me the most of Schubert and it's also my favorite of the three.  I just wish you placed more importance on writing a truly memorable melody.  It seems like right now you're writing your melodies with the intent of demonstrating your proficiency in harmony and form, which is fine I guess but I think if you focused on writing melodies that really speak to the heart your pieces would be even more accessible.  What you have is great though!  You almost have enough of them now to publish an opus!  Always an enjoyable listen.

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These are all really nice! I really like your harmonies. As PaperComposer mentioned they have a very "Schubert-like" feel to them.

My favorite was No. 10, which I took a fairly close look at. The only thing that jumped out at me was m.6 - I can't quite put my finger on it, but something sounds a little unexpected in the harmony. I think maybe my ear is expecting a B flat on beat two in the bass to follow the chromatically descending bassline that preceded it. There's nothing wrong or "incorrect" about what you have, I think maybe I'm just biased toward chromatic basslines. Just a thought I had.

I did really like m.15-18, my favorite part of the piece. I really like how you harmonized the top and bottom voices moving in opposite directions chromatically. Did you have any particular process for how you picked the chords along the way? It looks like there is a good bit of root motion by a fifth downward, with some pleasant surprises along the way. Then the way you gently resolved m.17-18 back to the main theme at m.19 was very nice, with the melody rising up chromatically and the left hand top note harmonizing in sixths below - very well done!

Thanks for sharing! I think these would sound really good if played live, or at least with some high-quality samples. Do you have any way of recording yourself playing these?

  • Yuchanbot changed the title to deleted

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