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Young Composers' Fugue Challenge

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As the old thread for Fugue Challenge will soon be deleted, fugues previously written for fugue challenge should be reposted here. Below you will also find the attachments including the notated subjects (PDF file) and the MIDI files for the original twelve individual subjects.


This is a counterpoint exercise, NOT a competition.

Here are twelve original fugue subjects for which no fugue has been written. If your fugue-writing skills need improvement, compose a fugue for one or more or all of the following subjects and let the other composers, myself enthusiastically included, help you revise it. This will improve your counterpoint in your fugal writing, but also in your non-fugal writing quicker than any other method. Some of these subjects are very easy and versatile, and others were designed to be a hindrance. I will also contribute a fugue set; writing a fugue for each of the twelve subjects. There's no rush. Take your time and consider the material throroughly. The instrumentation, tempos, and number of voicings is your own prerogative. You will find this helpful should you accept the challenge. Feel free to challenge my fugue-writing as well with one of your own [plausible] subjects in return.

Brandon Homayouni




--- No. 1 in C Major (4/4)

--- No. 2 in c minor (12/8)

--- No. 3 in D Major (3/4)

--- No. 4 in d minor (4/4)

--- No. 5 in e-flat Major (3/8)

--- No. 6 in e Minor (4/4)

--- No. 7 in F Major (6/8)

--- No. 8 in G Major (3/4)

--- No. 9 in g Minor (4/4)

--- No. 10 in a Minor (2/4)

--- No. 11 in B-flat Major (4/4)

--- No. 12 in b Minor (4/4)














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I'm well into my treatment of the C-major subject, and I'm already salivating over the others.

As I examine them, it occurs to me - and I'm not saying this merely to flatter you, Brandon - that not only are they particularly fine and carefully wrought for their purpose (being exercises in the construction of fugues), but they are also exceptional examples of how to formulate a subject that is at once interesting, challenging, artful and workable.

How many times have I set out to write a stand-alone fugue or a fugato encorporated into a larger movement, only to realise that the subject I'd chosen didn't lend itself well, if at all, to fugal treatment? Without a good subject, a fugue is nothing but an elaborate house of cards, even if correctly constructed.

This set of subjects is itself an impressive body of work. I grow more impressed every time I look at them, and as I work on treating them, I can feel myself growing as a composer - technically and artistically. ;)

....they are also exceptional examples of how to formulate a subject that is at once interesting, challenging, artful and workable.

I agree enitrely. Each subject has it's own unique character to it, and the possibilities for variation are almost endless.

Though I said I was going on to C maj, just today I got into F major. I plan on finishing it today too, and I'm going in a slightly different direction with it.....look for a post later today. ;)


Yep, I can see why that caught your eye! I think I already know what I want to with that one, too.

I'm scared to write keyboard fugues - I've never written one, and I don't have a keyboard readily available - but I may with a couple of these. The G-major looks good for that. Keyboard fugues can't be too rangy.

I can hardly believe that you, myself, Prometheus and Nick are the only ones (so far) jumping on this. It's such good exercise. A lot of people would rather experiment in other areas that don't have so many rules and confinements, I suppose, as evidenced by some of the other discussions that have been going on elsewhere. I've always been at my most creative while confined somewhat, or with at least a few boundaries. When set completely free - something I do occasionally - my mind is a wild and at times scary place - the image that comes to mind is a European wood at dusk on a stormy day...long shadows, wind, lightning and thunder, and large areas of gathering darkness. I don't know where to begin in a place like that...either nothing happens, or what comes out is rubbish. Set a boundary, and things come to order. Set a few boundaries, and art begins to happen.


Ok here's my F major. Its for two keyboards, and hopefully you'll be able to hear the difference between the two (one keyboard for the left speaker, one for the right). I'ld love any comments or criticism.

I can hardly believe that you, myself, Prometheus and Nick are the only ones (so far) jumping on this. It's such good exercise.

It really is. Maybe the others are a little intimidated by the form? I'm sure more people will catch on as we go along....


Ok here's my F major. Its for two keyboards, and hopefully you'll be able to hear the difference between the two (one keyboard for the left speaker, one for the right). I'ld love any comments or criticism.

That is really a very good work! It sounds professional. ;) How old or you? Do you study music or something?

Guest Recursion

Re: F Major Fugue by Baroque Enthusiast

Another beautiful fugal threatment! Congratulations! How enjoyable!


Thanks for the comments, everyone. :D

As far as going back and forth between keyboards, was the difference between the two distinct enough? between left and right?

EDIT: If there's anything that I botched up on with this one, don't hesitate to mention it! :D

EDIT: Brandon, if you still can't get these from the site, send me your email again for future reference!

Guest Recursion

Very nice fugue, Bach88. I would suggest that you try the same subject now with three voices. When you get up to three voices that's really when you have to start "bending" the music. Nice work!

Originally posted by The Baroque Enthusiast@Sep 13 2005, 09:51 PM

Nice job with the three voice fugue, Bach88! I like the chromatics you throw in, especially towards the ending. Keep it up !

Guest Recursion

Fugue I

for Young Composers' Fugue Challenge

in C Major

for 4 voices

by Brandon Homayouni

16 Sept 2005



Wow. :D What else can I say?

My C major is nearing completion, but I made the mistake of composing part of it today while I had a fever (I've been sick all week :( ), and while it works...sort of...it is stylistically wrong for the context. I get bored sitting in bed, so I've made this mistake before, and what I write while ill invariably sounds like a madman wrote it. I have to re-write the section when I feel better. Mine will be very different in character...to begin with, it's choral.

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