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A short fugue I have written. I would like some comments regarding the molodies of the different voices, harmony and if anything feels out of place. 

I do not have sheet music for the fugue. 

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I'm usually very analytical about fugues but in order to really get into it I need a score.  From what I can hear you don't restate the subject in the exposition in it's strict/correct form (at the dominant level).  You do however write some nice episodes which modulate to closely related keys.  You also have some nice instances of stretto entrances of the subject in your middle entries.  The only thing that I feel like you could incorporate more into your writing of fugues is the use of space so that the listener doesn't feel bombarded with a constant onslaught of contrapuntal rhythms.  I'm not sure what happens at 1:11 - is this an attempt at a double fugue or an augmentation of the subject?  Overall a nice job!

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