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I have found some forum posts about getting MuseScore 3 to perform half-step trills outside of the key-signature.  I have followed the instructions about this in this forum post:  Trill to half-step? | MuseScore

Trouble is - I still can't get MuseScore to perform a half-step trill even when preceding the note that is trilled with an hidden note above it that establishes the accidental for that bar.  Does anyone know how to get this to work?


I figured out how to get this to work.  You can create a note above the note you want trilled that contains the accidental you want the trill to go to then in the inspector on the right side of the screen you can hide the note and make it so that the note doesn't get played.  Then you also have to place that hidden note in a different voice from the trilled note so that the trill doesn't trill both notes at the same time.

  • 4 months later...

Yes, and that process of getting a chromatic trill to play back and look nice is very tedious. I do this:

1) Put in a trill as normal
2) Add a note that I want it to trill instead of the default diatonic trill(for my method, it doesn't really matter if it is added in Voice 2 or if it is added as an interval above the second note in the same voice for trills)
3) Make the chromatically altered note invisible and silent

This gives me the playback of a chromatic trill, but looks messy, so I continue with this:

4) The accidental of the invisible note, I make sure it is visible
5) I uncheck Automatic Placement for both the trill and the accidental
6) I make the accidental small
7) I move the accidental to above the trill

If there was a Play Style thing in the inspector for trills, then I could just select one of 4 possible options and have Musescore automatically adjust as needed like it does with the Glissando Play Style, those 4 options being:

  1. Diatonic (default)
  2. Sharp (upper note is up a half step from default, for example B to C in G major becomes B to C#)
  3. Flat (upper note is down a half step from default, for example D to E in C major becomes D to Eb)
  4. Natural (upper note is a whole step away from lower note when key signature dictates otherwise, for example D to Eb in C minor becomes D to E natural)

That would be way easier, especially if I wanted to use a lot of chromatic trills or had to. And similar things can be applied to chromatically alter turns. I usually go for the quintuplet turn over the 4 note turn Musescore uses. So for a turn on C, I would do this:

C, D, C, B, C

instead of this:

C, D, B, C

which is what Musescore seems to opt for is the four note option, so in the past, I have written a lot of quintuplets to get the turn playback that I want.  I know, both options have the 2 neighbor tones, that's what makes it a turn, but whenever I play a turn on the piano, be it Chopin or Mozart or whatever, I always do the quintuplet turn, so that's what I prefer in playback, and thus whenever I want a turn in Musescore, I write quintuplets instead of putting in the turn symbol. I'm sure I could do both and just make the turn symbol silent and put the quintuplets in Voice 2, but I don't know how well that would work.

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