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Following piece is a variation on the German Christmas carol "Ihr Kinderlein kommet"(https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ihr_Kinderlein,_kommet) in the form of a baroque manualiter organ piece that I wrote. The C.F. (the carol) is split into three parts, each defining one section of the piece. 
To be inspired I listend to a few Buxtehude pieces, just soaking up their spirit. Here's the endproduct. Enjoy!


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Sehr schönes Werk! Indeed, a wonderful and very nice piece: the contrapunctal progressions, the catchiness and tradition of the theme, the thrilling dominant pedal point, just everything about this piece is overall really really pleasant. Still, there's a single, and rather nimious point I would like to make and offer advice with: that being sound quality of the resulting video. Based on format and typefaces, I would rather temptingly assume you use MuseScore. If that's the case, I would like to offer you a single soundfont recommendation: http://schristiancollins.com/generaluser.php . It's the one I've been using the most for some months and if you asked me, it's just the best and most varied one: no other can beat it. And no loathing nor praise of mine about it will ever do it any justice, so, returning to you: when combined with the toggled settings shown in the attached image, the organ suddenly just starts sounding so much better! Let me also provide you with an audio sample of mine, with these exact characteristics.

Machen Sie weiter so! 🙂


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