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i find that if i can find at least one passage in my improvised pieces that i like - "you like me, you like me, you really really like me" exclaims those passages to me, echoing not what Sally Fields actually said in her short Oscar acceptance speech but only what we now believe she said - then i am satisfied. in this one i find more than one.

note: we are in the process of moving and my beloved Steinway was surrounded by many moving boxes, hence my need to crawl under it and practically through it before mounting, in a very clumsy manner, that massive Steinway bench.

to wit (whatever the heck that means):

3:06 - 4:55 - inspired by Mahler and any credit due goes to him and him alone.

6:10 to 6:12 - a chord, nothing special about it in a theory context, which I came across one day while improvising (what else would I do?) on Jackson Browne's "Rosie".

6:25 to 7:00 - partially inspired by another thing i created before and posted elsewhere, it popped into my head so i threw it in.

7:01 to 7:35 - a folkish tune from my childhood - and very perhapsually yours - makes an appearance and inspires a short improv on same. Name that tune?

11:34 to 12:02 - mini improv on that folkish tune? not really sure.

12:45 - the moments after that mini-storm immediately proceeding with its shattering treble outburst.

13:25 - 15:55 - featuring a takeoff on the piano accompaniment often played for a song from Gustav Mahler's "Das Knaben Wunderhorn", the youth's magic horn, entitled "Wo die schonen Trumpeten blasen", where the lonely trumpets sound, a semi-sadish tale of a soldier who stops by the abode of his lover to bid her a temporary farewell before journeying off and then, perhaps - perhaps not(!) - returning from green fields of battle that he, in my mind, inexplicably refers to as "his "home", i echoing that in a brief verbal outburst that *might* be called "singing", singing "mein haus", my home. This song and its accompaniment, as originally created, end with a descent into the bass with echoes of those trumpets sounding in the treble - du du dum....du du dum....du du dum, suggesting, perhaps, an undesirable end to the hero? I do not know if that part of the tale has ever been told but from 15:56 until the close, I try, at least, to bring him safely home.

"A score, a score!" screams not the non-existent crowd to whom i would reply if they weren't (non-existing, that is) with "a score, a score? what do you take me for, a score writer? notate this drivel down? are you out of your MIND?"



  • 3 months later...

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