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I've enjoyed your music "Violin"! It is interesting mix of minimal techno, french pop, 2 step, vogue, fashion house etc. Very expressive! I'll buy your album! Can I find your tracks on iTunes or on Youtube? A friend of mine making tracks too and uploads them on https://www.tunecore.com/sell-your-music-on-itunes?ref=c_1012054&cmp=b_&utm_content=192353194794_&utm_term=%2Bput %2Bsong on %2Bitunes&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=int_md_i-h&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpreJBhDvARIsAF1_BU3Qyqt4_-9YmJaHjt3_LSmgLuOMBZFgcN9LsYArp8Pil6O-4MCk9cIaAiN3EALw_wcB and uploading scores of them here https://musescore.com/user/login?destination=https%3A%2F%2Fmusescore.com%2Fupload. Think about it! 


9 hours ago, Henrik Stromberg said:

Thank you for the link, I only knew of Reverbnation to upload songs on multiple platforms, altrougth I don't use it. I checked tunecore and will upload my EP there next week, so if you don't like Bandcamp you'll find it on your favorite platform!


Best regards

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